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Listed company in KLSE which are engaging in clean energy are gaining momentum due to the foreseeable energy transition that is being pushed globally to reduce fossil fuel and adopt in clean renewable energy that emit lesser carbon.
While I tend to believe that fossil fuel cannot be totally phased out, the renewable energy is gaining traction as big corporate are putting in the big money into investing in clean energy, hence this movement will benefit the whole supply chain in the energy transition process.
Growing Champions: Malaysia’s renewable energy opportunity | The Edge Markets
According to the article by THE EDGE MARKETS, Sarawak is the spot chosen for the development of integrated hydrogen project which will be spearheaded by South Korean MNC giants, such as Samsung, LOTTE and POSCO INTERNATIONAL.

As the article mentioned, the investment for integrated hydrogen project in Sarawak is USD 12 billion, and another USD 2.7 billion for a fuel cell train system.
It also clearly mentioned that there is a clear investment potential for infrastructure players and storage developers.
This directly point to BIG INDUSTRIES BERHAD as the infrastructure player for hydrogen gas in logistic and storage capacity.
As of now, BIG is slated to have a private placement which will need to be completed before end of December 2021 as the final extension given by BURSA MALAYSIA. The price of the private placement will be determined by volume weighted average price.
Current share issued of BIG is 52.9 million.
If BIG is to see private placement at RM 1.50 for 10% share (5.29 million), that will raise the company capital by around RM 8 million, which is a meagre amount considering that the whole supply chain investment will be more than USD 12 billion = RM 50 billion.