ATA IMS how is coming days?
2-3 minutes
Author: | Publish date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021, 7:43 PM
ATA IMS Berhad
Fundamental Analysis:
Based on the Am invest analyst report on ATA IMS: Fundamental reversal from Dyson contract termination with fair value of RM 0.56 which is around the limit down price of RM 0.52. Here is there link to report: https://cdn1.i3investor.com/my/files/st88k/8176_ATAIMS/pt/AMINVEST/8176_ATAIMS_AMINVEST_2021-11-26_SELL_0.56_ATAIMSFundamentalreversalfromDysoncontracttermination_1985731933.pdf
Technical Analysis:
As we can see the price have already back to bottom, and the price from RM 2.57 as at 12/11/2021 and now RM 0.52 as at 26/11/2021. Which dropped around 79.77% in 2 weeks’ time.

Shareholder Analysis:
Oregon Technology Sdn. Bhd. 407,396,307 Units or 33.87%
Fong Chiu Wan 314,066,157 Units or 26.11%
PP Tech Ltd. 86,005,134 Units or 7.14%
Major shareholder around 67.12%
Question in my mind:
TA?? Bottom already??
Drama?? Termination on June of 2022 but what will happen in this coming 7 months?? Kawan balik?? FA?? New client to replace the capacity from Dyson?? EMS sector still full of job?? What is the objective?? What is the potential and what is the risk?? Will the boss sit and die with 67.11%?? The BOD is taking advice on the validity of the notices of termination at this monent?? can one party to terminate ?? Labour abuses?? All have to think twice, Good luck.
Disclaimer: This article is just for my own general views. See it at your own risk. Please do further due diligence. I'm not be liable for any errors or inaccuracies, regardless of cause. Thank you.