DNex potential worth (Silterra + Ping + NSW)
Silterra's EBITDA is projected to be US$22mil or RM90mil this year and rise to US$48mil or RM192mil
That works out to be projected profit after tax and minority interest of RM60mil (Due to lower depreciation as the useful lives will is prolonged due to machineries having more value over the duration and predictable fixed cost)
Ping is projected to be profit of RM75mil (90% interest and oil price at US$65-70/bbl)
NSW and others around RM15mil
Total DNex profit = RM180mil / 3.8mil shares (FY21) or RM250mil / 3.8mil shares (FY22)
At PE of 30x = RM1.42 (FY21) or RM1.97 (FY22)
At PE of 40x (Inari PE) = RM1.90 (FY21) or RM2.63 (FY22)
At PE of 50x (Greatec, UWC PE) = RM2.36 (FY21) or RM3.23 (FY22)
This excludes the expansion of additional 300mm (more advanced wafer capacity in FY23) and MEMS plus Silicon Photonics contribution in FY23)