I am updating my previous article, trying to answer one new question raised in AGES i3 forum.
Two questions being asked in AGES i3 forum, i.e. 1) how many AGES-PA (ICPS) preference shares being converted to mother shares and 2) how much value invested due to two methods of conversion?
Actual amount is reported in AR2020 issued on 6 Oct., 2020. Thereafter,
will be an estimate until the next Annual Report due to 2 methods of
Below is tabulation of converted AGES-PA to AGES mother shares based on
1 ICPS+12sen, the total cash as addition to issued capital and total
AGES mother shares issued. Due to the
question on the second method of conversion, i.e. all using ICPS (which
is unlikely due to AGES-PA present price of 3sen x 13=39sen instead of
just 3sen + 12sen=15sen), I am showing both the minimum and maximum of
ICPS conversion required.
ON 11 Dec., 2020, AGES reached the Billion Shares mark.
Source: Klse Screener.

Table 1: Max. and Min. ICPS Conversion vs Total Issued Shares
As shown in the table, the maximum ICPS
issued will exceed the total ICPS issued by around 3.4 billion which is
not likely. The total minimum of 3.9 billion outstanding ICPS seems more
logical. Will this additional ICPS helping AGES growth and glow? Time
will tell, with more conversion and extra $.
As per table 1 above, RM80.627 million
cash added to total issued capital, improving cash flow in the company.
Hopefully, this will translate to EPS of the company as gearing
improved from 0.34 to 0.1 as reported in AR2020.
Therefore, IMHO, AGES support level will be around 13sen. With more
AGES-PA converted to AGES, AGES free cash flow will improve. With the
reduction of AGES-PA ICPS, AGES-PA price will increase due to supply and
demand effect. It is all theories, market condition will finally
dictate market price.
Further information on AGES can be referred to below link (thanks to another i3 blogger):
Technical Update on AGESON BERHAD (7145) https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/fundingforever/434774.jsp
Disclaimer: The above opinion does not represent a buy or sell
recommendation; just a personal opinion and for sharing purposes only.
Any offences and errors are unintentional; my apology in advance.