KAMDAR (8672): Can it become the next
Kamdar Group (M) Bhd is a supplier and retailer of fashion fabrics, home textiles, apparels, and garments. The company is organised into two major business units - Textile and Investment and Management segment. The Textile segment is engaged in retailing textile and textile-based products within the retailing industry. The Investment and Management segment is engaged in investment holding and providing management services. It offers an extensive range of textile products across numerous industries. The company’s activities are conducted principally in Malaysia.
I believe everybody know about this company as they have operate in Malaysia for years. Somehow, Malaysia's Textile industry is consider as sunset industry whereby they are not much traditional textile company who have operate until today. Recent years Kamdar had divert their traditional retail business to online business. Somehow, the respond of their online business had improved significant during the MCO period.
When we look into the share price of Kamdar for the past few years, its seems very low liquidity. Some of the trading day, they may not have any single deal. Recent share price moving between 25sen-31.5sen. Today volume build to 400k which is near to the one month high. The build of the volume may attract move investor look into this company.
DISCLAIMER: This post serves as an educational analysis and is never meant to be a buy/sell call or recomendation. Investors must always do their own due deligence before making any investment decisions. The author of this post is not liable in any way for any decisions made by any individual.
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