The above is extracted from Page 5 of 2020 Annual Report.
Below is my rework on the net asset value return (aiming to reflect on 2nd column of Table 5 above) based on Bursa Announcement data.
The the third column of my spreadsheet shows the NAV annual growth derived from the second column whose data are based on Bursa Announcement. The second column data of my spreadsheet are the NAV announced by on that particular day. The info of how NAV return as shown in Table 5 are not disclosed. Note the difference in the Table 5 and those in my rework. I have also plotted a simple bar chart to give a clear view on how the NAV has performed over the years.
Below is my rework on the net asset value return calculated with the one-off dividend of 9.5 sen per unit paid out on 19-09-2013 added back to exactly reflect that of Table 5. Although I personally do not think this is necessary in the first place. It is a little too petty.