By Stella Goh
The subsidiaries of Sapura Energy Berhad has been awarded contracts and contracts extensions worth a combined value of about RM840mil.
According to the Sapura Energy, Sapura Energy Mexicans S.A.P.I. de C.V. has been awarded an engineering and construction job for the Eni Mexico S. de R. L. de C.V. Amoca Project such as Offshore Block Area 1 in Mexico. The works for this contract are expected to be completed by Q4FY22.
The contract scope of work comprises the provision of services and charter for installation and recovery of flexible pipes, by utilizing Sapura Esmeralda in the Brazilian waters. The 12 months extension will commence upon the expiry of the existing contract in April 2021.
While Sapura Drilling Holdings Ltd has been awarded a contract for the provision of its tender assist drilling rig “Sapura Berani” services by Foxtrot International LDC. The contract comprises the provision of semi tender-assist drilling rig services for three wells commencing in Q1FY22 for a period of nine months offshore Ivory Coast, including the option for one well extension. The contracts are expected to contribute positively to the earnings of the group and its subsidiaries for the financial year ending 31 January 2021 and for the duration of the contracts period.
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