Many could be wondering how is one glove stock performing as compared to others, and how is one trending vs the rest. Here are comparison for all the glove stocks revealed the following
1. Chart 1 - - shows the growth of all glove stocks in term of gain % from 01 April to 17 Aug
1st - HLT - peaked 2,726%
2nd - Carepls - peaked 2,550%
3rd - Rubberex - 1,562%
4th - Comfort - 983%
5th - Kossan - 885%
6th - Supermax - 368%
7th - Topglov - 305%
8th - Harta - 207%
The chart shows that pricer stocks do not necessary return higher return but their movement is less volatile and so far it's rise & fall in price. The trend of all stocks shows that it is returning to it's level at end of July, lossing ALL of Aug gain at the peak.
2. Chart 2 - - It's intriguing to see that all the stocks fallen sharply at the same time on the few specific points, 04/08 , 10/08 & 12/08. What are the common trigger that pulled all the glove stocks down sharply at the same time, see .
3. Chart 3 - The gloves rally started from July spikes on 14/07, 20/07 & 29/07 before peaking from 03/08 ~ 07/08 and down-trending with the following top 3 loss %
1st - HLT - -247%
2nd - Carepls - -98%
3rd - Rubberex - -70%
The golden question is IF the Gloves Century Rally over and if it could ever to rebound to it's glory. If yes, how soon would that be.