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Singapore Investment


 [MALAYSIAN RESOURCES CORP BHD:截至2020年3月31日,未开单的建设订单为207亿令吉]

截至2020年3月31日的第一季,集团的营业额及税前盈利分别为4亿2570万令吉及2690万令吉,而去年截至2019年3月31日的上一季的营业额为2亿3410万令吉及税前盈利840万令吉,尽管截至2020年3月31日的季度的最后2周COVID-19移动控制令期间建筑工程暂时停工,进度计费放缓。集团拥有27.94%的股权的MQ REIT和联营公司MRCB Quill Management Sdn Bhd为集团贡献了390万令吉的税后合并利润,而2019年同期为570万令吉。






截至2020年3月31日,该部门的公开招标价值为25.18亿令吉,并更加重视寻求基础设施项目。截至2020年3月31日,外部客户订单总值为219亿令吉。 LRT3项目目前已完成29%,尽管由于实施更严格的标准操作程序以防止COVID-19传播而步伐较慢,但其利润认可度应在2020年有所提高。截至2020年3月31日,未开单的建设订单为207亿令吉。
James Ng Stock Pick Performance:
Since Recommended Return:

a) FRONTKN (FRONTKEN CORP BHD), recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM3.15 (dividend RM0.04) in 1 year 10 months 27 days, total return is 346.2%

b) TOPGLOV (TOP GLOVE CORP BHD), recommended on 1 July 18, initial price was RM12.14, rose to RM43.84 (adjusted)(dividend RM0.52) in 2 Years 9 days, total return is 265.4%

c) MI (MI TECHNOVATION BERHAD), recommended on 2 Jun 19, initial price was RM1.67, rose to RM4.95 (adjusted)(dividend RM0.055) in 1 Year 1 month 8 days, total return is 199.7%

d) OPENSYS (OPENSYS M BHD), recommended on 24 May 20, initial price was RM0.355, rose to RM0.785 in 1 month 16 days, total return is 121.1%

e) KKB (KKB ENGINEERING BHD), recommended on 1 Jul 18, initial price was RM0.795, rose to RM1.68 (dividend RM0.04) in 2 Years 9 days, total return is 116.4%

f) JAKS (JAKS RESOURCES BHD), recommended on 20 Jan 19, initial price was RM0.575, rose to RM0.93 in 1 year 5 months 19 days, total return is 61.7%

g) PWROOT (POWER ROOT BHD), recommended on 7 Oct 18, initial price was RM1.59, rose to RM2.21 (dividend RM0.188) in 1 Year 9 months 3 days, total return is 50.8%

我希望将我的策略分享给读者,希望他们在阅读后能够表现出色。我正在使用基本面分析(Fundamental Analysis):

预计公司每年的增长率必须> 14%


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James Ng
[MALAYSIAN RESOURCES CORP BHD: As at 31 March 2020, the unbilled construction order book stood at RM20.7 billion]

In the first quarter ended 31 March 2020, the Group recorded revenue and profit before tax of RM425.7 million and RM26.9 million respectively, compared to revenue of RM234.1 million and profit before tax of RM8.4 million recorded in the preceding financial quarter ended 31 March 2019, despite slower progress billings as a result of the temporary halt in construction works during the COVID-19 Movement Control Order in the last 2 weeks of the quarter ended 31 March 2020. The Group’s 27.94% equity owned MQ REIT and associated company, MRCB Quill Management Sdn Bhd, contributed a combined profit after tax of RM3.9 million to the Group compared with RM5.7 million in the corresponding period in 2019.

Property Development & Investment:
The Division recorded a 5-fold increase in operating profit to RM20.6 million in the financial period, compared to RM3 million recorded in the corresponding period in 2019.

Engineering, Construction & Environment:
The Division contributed a lower operating profit of RM12.6 million for the quarter ended 31 March 2020 compared to RM16.7 million recorded in the corresponding period in 2019, due to the completion of a project in the corresponding period.

The Group managed to record a higher profit before tax of RM26.9 million, compared with RM20.4 million recorded in the immediate preceding quarter.

Property Development & Investment:
Construction progress has been adversely impacted by the Government’s unprecedented Movement Control Order (MCO) since 18 March 2020, when work at all the Group’s construction sites halted, and a more pronounced impact of the MCO will be felt in the second quarter of 2020. Construction work however has now slowly resumed, albeit at a slower pace compared to before the MCO, due to social distancing and adherence to other health and safety conditions.

Sales of properties came to a halt during the MCO period, given the prohibition of physical property viewings and legal document stamping, and has now slowly resumed. Overall, the Group believes the outlook for the economy and the property market will remain challenging for the foreseeable future and has embarked on austerity and cost cutting measures.

Engineering, Construction & Environment:
The division had open tenders valued at RM2,518 million as at 31 March 2020, and is placing greater emphasis on seeking infrastructure projects. As at 31 March 2020, the external client order book stood at RM21.9 billion. The LRT3 project, which is currently 29% completed, should see profit recognition pick up in 2020, albeit at a slower pace due to the implementation of stricter standard operating procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As at 31 March 2020, the unbilled construction order book stood at RM20.7 billion.
I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:

the forecasted growth of a company must > 14% per year

I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.

I am providing STOCK PICK SERVICE for readers who want to make money from Malaysian stock market. Those who want to subscribe to my mailing list to achieve a good return from stock market, you can contact me at jamesngshare@gmail.com or PM me in my FB page.

This sharing is purely a discussion and analysis of the sector, buying or selling at your own risk. Please Like and Share this post. Final decision is always yours, thank you.

James Ng

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