CAELY takeover is almost done?
Maybe YES; Maybe NO.
The fact is CAELY’s NTA is RM 0.50.
As reflected from the candlestick, the suitors might want to be comfortable to see that the NTA is at least reached.
The candlesticks recorded a few dojis in the past few days, reflecting the indecision from both buyers and sellers.
RM 0.50 is an achievable target based on the historical data. CAELY hit RM 0.57 on 15th May 2020.
The normal takeover theory.
Reach the price to NTA of RM 0.50; Sustain the price; then complete the takeover process with additional premium of between 20 to 30 percent.
Potentially, the price will break RM 0.50 today?
Disclaimer : The above opinion is never intended to be a BUY CALL whatsoever. I am sharing my observations ONLY based on fundamental; past history; current trading pattern; charts etc. Please make your own informed decision before buying this share or whatever share for that matter.