Sanichi & Mtronic are control by same person Dato Seri Pang Chow Huat via Cita Realiti Sdn Bhd.
Sanichi latest annual report
Mtronic latest annual report
Dato Seri Pang Chow Huat is 2nd largest shareholder in Mtronic via Cita Realiti, Sanichi and MNC Wireless. The largest shareholder is Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew which accumulate the share at cost 7.5sen per share.
Mtronic Balance sheet
Net cash = RM67,792,301 - RM10,619.273 = RM57,173,028.
Share price performance between Sanichi & Mtronic
Sanichi share price outperformance Mtronic very very much. Since both company control by same person, we cannnot discount possibility Mtronic will catch up soon. Some more Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew bought the Mtronic share at very high price 7.5sen. Another good point is Mtronic is net cash company RM57 Million. It is far more better than alots of listed company.
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