From 30 April till to 22 May, Dato’ Lau had sold 18.784 million shares from low
of RM1.40 on 30 April to a high of RM2.89. Datuk Lau weighted average selling
price for the 18.784 mil sold was RM2.20
All the disposal of shares were done thru open market deal. I do not think it is
passing of blocks of shares to operators to goreng. If it is intended for
operators, it would more likely by DBT
The DISPOSAL COULD POSSIBILY reflect the fair value price of Comfort share.
IMHO, Dato Lau was unlikely or could not be wrong to sell Comfort shares
from RM1.40, “given his position”, he could know the business prospects and
projected profit based on operating full capacity of all plants. His disposal
could reflect market price being more than fair valued very much below
yesterday closing of RM2.86.
Market could have wrongly priced Comfort shares and had probably misled by
operators pushing the share price up daily with current “GLOVE THEME PLAY”
Below is the summary of the announcements.