NOTION (0083) NOTION VTEC BHD : Part 2 - Orders Exploded together with CoronaVirus (Davidtslim)
1.0 Notion Vtec Berhad - Introduction
My NOTION PART I Article covers the business models and products &
services offered by Notion Vtec Berhad,for more information, please
visit the link as follows:-
2.0 Notion Vtec Berhad – Beneficiary of the Coronavirus-Triggered Disruption
Electronic Manufacturing Services (“EMS”) segment will be the biggest
growth catalyst to Notion. Notion’s European MNC client has been
sourcing metal and aluminum parts, mainly from both Malaysia and China. Notion has the biggest market share and market leader in Malaysia as a metal part supplier to this European MNC client.
However, due to the outbreak of Coronavirus, it has affected the supply
chain, especially from China, CNN has reported news as follows: -

Potentially More Orders Shift to Notion from China Suppliers
The virus situation in China may help to accelerate the relocation of metal parts currently made from suppliers in China to Malaysia. Notion would be a biggest beneficiary on this. We shall see Notion to receive more orders especially aluminum tubular products - surge in big volumes.
3.0 Notion Vtec Berhad’s Core Compentencies and Engineering Capabilities
Notion has spent around RM100mil and RM80 mil capex in 2018 and 2019 respectively to upgrade its precision machines and buy new machineries and equipment. The
strong technical and engineering capabilities are one of the main
reasons why NOTION is being selected as main supplier in Malaysia to this European MNC customer.
“For more information about the capabilities and to view pictures of new machines, please refer to appendix section in this article.”
4.0 Notion Vtec Berhad - SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis on Notion is as below:-SWOT analysis (S-strengths, W-weaknesses, O-opportunities, and T-threats)
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Opportunities | Threats (Risk) |
4.0 Analysis of Shareholdings – Directors and Prominent Investor, Mr.Fong Si Ling

In the past 1 year, table above has shown that most of the directors have been increasing their stake in NOTION, by showing strong confidence on the company’s prospect and fundamental.
The management has also expressed their views about bright outlook with strong growth within the Company in the latest Annual Report, under Management Discussion & Analysis, as follows:-
Annual Report 2019:
“This year, we have moved away from being a pure machinist to now include fabrication works as part of our core business. Procurement of a high profile European customer in the Electronic Manufacturing Services should auger well for us in the coming years as we expect this segment to grow significantly.
The Automotive segment is expected to grow following the addition of three new multinational customers in 2019.”
The prominent investor, Mr Fong Si Ling has also increased his stake by about 1 million shares in the past 1 year. The fundamental and growth potential of NOTION has been affirmed by Mr.Fong’s action, as a value investor.
5.0 Comparable Company Analysis and Valuation Model
Comparable Company Analysis
UWC Berhad and Dufu Technology Corp. Berhad have been selected as closest peer in KLSE, the reasons and basis have been elaborated on table below.

Comments: Dufu is selected as Notion's closest peer in HDD industry, however, they have different engineering capabilities. Dufu has done well in HDD spacers especially Seagate titanium spacers while Notion is not a supplier to Seagate directly. Lately, Notion has secured a new customer in HDD industry - Toshiba Storage.
Valuation Model

Why Notion intrinsic value may worth PE 20x? High PE of technology related stock normally tie to high growth with normally with a rule of thumb of PE 20x = expected 20% growth. Like a company with PE40x may need to grow at 40% to justify its high PE valuation.
Prominent investor Coldeye (Mr Fong) also mentioned about high PE valuation is supported by high growth in his recent Nayang newspaper article as below:
Based on current strong EMS and automotive orders secured, it is expected the revenue of Notion to grow continuously in coming 1-2 years (YoY projected to grow 30%+ in 2020). The bright outlook is supported by high demands of its European MNC customer which their experience, modern machinery, response time and quality of their high precision metal parts.
Market capitalisation comparison for some precision metal players in Bursa:

Note: NOTION has the lowest market capitalization among all his closer peers in KLSE.
6.0 Conclusion
In Part II, it will give you a broader picture on valuation of NOTION compared to its closest peers, its Core Competencies and how it is possible to be benefited from the recent coronavirus outbreak which has caused supply chain disruption.
In Part III, I may discuss the followings: -
- A comprehensive technical capability comparison table between Notion Vtec Berhad and UWC Berhad.
- Products ranges supplied by Notion to its European MNC Customer.
- Balance Sheet and Cash Flows Analysis on Notion Vtec Berhad
- Mass Production on Multiple Projects by Notion Vtec Berhad – Growing on a Rapid Mode
If you interested on my analysis report, please contact me at
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This writing is based on my own assumptions and estimations. It is
strictly for sharing purpose, not a buy or sell call of the company and
the contents of this report should not be considered as
professional financial investment advises or buy/sell recommendations. I
strongly encourage you to do your own research and take independent
financial advice from a professional before you proceed to invest.
I make no representations as to the accuracy, completeness,
correctness, suitability, or validity of any information on my report
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display or usage. All users should read the posts and analysis the
information at their own risk and we shall not be held liable for any
losses and damages.
A Glance of its machining and fabrication capabilities (Technical and Engineering Capabilities)
The capabilities of a precision parts company lies on its completeness
of its machining and fabrication facilities. Notion has spent around 100mil and 80 mil capex
in 2018 and 2019 respectively to upgrade its precision machines after
the fire incident in 2017. Let have a look on some of its machines and
facilities in its Klang factory as below:

Figure 1 (a) Machine to fabricate its own drill bit sets which are more optimize for customized products or requirements, Figure 1 (b) drill bit produced from the machine.

Figure 2: Laser cutting machine (for high precision metal part or special shape cutting products)

Figure 3: 6-axis CNC super precision tool grinders for the manufacturing and regrinding of round & non-round cutting tools, from 0.1mm to 16mm precision. one of the world's most reliable tool grinders on the market today.

Figure 5: Fully automatic EBS (braking system part) machine (yearly production of 30 mil pieces of EBS part for its customers Delphi Technologies, Hilite International and BorgWarner)

Figure 6 Digital SLR camera lens metal part (produced from one of its machines also)

There are also many highly automated machines using robotic arms to
produce plunger (for EBS) and harkdisk spencer (metal parts).
For me, the potential of Notion is lies on its capability of converting its Technical and Engineering capacities to sizeable order from its MNC home appliances client. This order come with higher profit margin as compared to its
traditional Hdd business which should provide sustainable growth in coming 1-2 years.