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Singapore Investment


首先讲讲在2014年至2016年的表现。2016年之前的表现是非常不错的,在2016年最后2个季度的盈利还是目前所见的最高!EPS 达 10仙/季度。





这是TA 在11月29日的一篇重要分析里有提及:

Favourable Portfolio Shift
Among various factors, we observe geographical exposure of customer is also a major factor that could affects profitability of JTB. Within the recent 3 years, core net margin of JTB was inversely correlated with the proportion of JTB’s African sales. Such observation is in line with management’s explanation that African continent is very sensitive to product pricing, where quality is at times secondary to affordability.

Hence, with the group’s continued efforts in growing its Asian, Central American and Malaysian markets that are conducive for sales of better margin products, we believe favourable product portfolio would provide certain support to the group’s profitability amidst increasing raw material prices. Note that Malaysian, Central American and Asian sales grew 38.4%, 52.7%, and 12.0% YoY in FY18 substituting a huge portion of sales to African continent. Meanwhile, we believe majority of the 28.7% YoY revenue growth recorded by JTB during 1HFY19 is underpinned by the higher margin products thus supportive of the 1.6%-pts increase in core net margin.


最后来谈谈生产能力!初初在墨西哥投资建厂时的目标为80KMT ,而当时占股份为40%,而经过延迟又改变重组后,现在所占股份为43%,而生产能力提高一倍约160KMT了!

而在大马的生产线经过多轮的资本开销后,也由100KMT 增加至160KMT,并已经在下半年开始投入生产了,有路边消息透露,原料经已在11月寄出去墨西哥尝试开动生产,保守计算2020年1月可以正式开始生产。应该开的资本开销都已经开出去了,应该准备的生产机械都准备好了!好日子还远吗?

Progress of Mexico JV
In September 2019, JTB increased its stake in Able Dairies Mexico from 40.0% to 43.13%. Management updated that installation of machineries in its Mexican condensed milk and evaporated milk factory are still on-going but the estimated commercial production date is now postponed to 1QCY20 from 4QCY19 guided previously. We understand that the Mexican plant’s installed production capacity could be on par with the enlarged capacity of Teluk Panglima Garang’s plant (at c.160kMT capacity of evaporated milk and condensed milk) suggesting that JTB remains optimistic, if not more so about the Mexican venture (we understand it initially targeted plant’s capacity of c.80kMT).

As Mexico has formed various free trade agreement with most countries in the Western hemisphere, the new plant will provide JTB a stronger foothold into Mexico itself, alongside Central and South American region through more favourable import duty structure. Besides, Mexican JV’s ability to source dairies supplies domestically and from neighbouring countries, alongside better managed logistics arrangement is expected to result in higher profitability. We also understand that JTB and its JV partner have begun marketing, engaging sales leads and participate in exhibition shows.


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