Yesterday, there was a post by prominent blogger, Davidtslim covering
the stock, TAWIN. It was informative, however, it's quite lohsoh
(long-winded). To me as an old uncle without patience, I'm looking to invest in a stock for a short-term period which can give good return.
After spending my time on TAWIN for a few days few nights, I have decided to accummulate some shares on coming Tuesday on my personal capacity, thanks to David.
Disclaimer: I have no TAWIN shares at this point of time.
Disclaimer: I have no TAWIN shares at this point of time.
There are THREE main REASONS why TAWIN captured my interest:
1. Share Price is Trading at Historical Low
1. Share Price is Trading at Historical Low
2. Rights Issue Oversubscribed by 55%
3. Tawin in Expansion Mode - Earnings Recovery
Disclaimer: Please do not buy immediately after
reading this. You need to judge yourself and do your own analysis. For
technicaly analysis experts and chartists, please DO NOT BUY on Tuesday and fighting to buy with me. Please buy only when it shows UPTREND. Thank you.

