Online Education is the future
Eduspec Holdings Bhd provides consultancy, building teaching capacity, and deploying information technology systems in schools. It also offers online and learning education programs. The company operates its business through geographic segments that are Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Hong Kong. The Malaysia region generates maximum revenue for the company.

Thanks to explaination from
Proposal 4
proposed bonus issue of up to 550,906,750 free warrants in Eduspec (“Warrants B”) on the
basis of 1 Warrant B for every 2 existing ordinary shares in Eduspec (“Eduspec Shares” or
the “Shares”) held by shareholders of Eduspec whose names appear in the record of
securities holders established by Bursa Malaysia Depository Sdn Bhd (“Bursa Depository”)
Notice the word : FREE WARRANTS
That one reason why everyone is buying.
Proposal 1
proposed issuance of up to 600,000,000 new 2% cumulative redeemable convertible
preference shares in Eduspec (“RCPS”) at an issue price of RM0.10 each (“RCPS Issue
Price”) (“Proposed Issuance of RCPS”);
Notice the word : issue price of RM0.10
So it is not wrong to presume Edu Spec share will be more than 0.10 sens after AGM or EGM
approval on the proposal. Otherwise who will want to subscribe to RCPS
For RPCS , The reason why I said earlier that will be private placement is because .. look carefully
On even date, the following agreements have been entered into:-
ii. a subscription agreement between Eduspec and Advance Opportunities Fund (“AOF” or the
“RCPS Subscriber”) in relation to the Proposed Issuance of RCPS (“RCPS SA”).
Notice the word : (AOF or the what..... RCPS subscriber.....) what that mean is AOF will be the subcriber of RCPS. I will presume it will be 100%.
Interesting is : who is AOF.. Advance Opportunities Fund.
Previous company that relate to AOF .. who is AOF again... remember " Advance Opportunities Fund"
Tiger Synergy Bhd
Tanco Holding Berhad
Damansara Realty Bhd
There are many more
What one need to do is go to each of this company and see price over period of 5 years
and counter check when did they raise capital .... RCPS or whatever you call it.
and see the price after 3 weeks of the shares... you will be surprise.. recent again...
is Kanger....... that will be the 2nd or third time.... it raise
But I buy Eduspec not because of Advance Opportunity Fund. Lest of my priority.
Good to know that AFO is in.
I buy because of
2 consecutive qtr profit which is higher than the first.
Bidding of Government School Projects 2020
Invited to Bid for Ubezkistan Government School 2020
and of course FREE Warrants. that 1 for every two shares held.
So that a lot of research tip on top ... you decide...
Every qtr the net profit higher ... the price will raise further... next fews quarter especially.
For limit up to happen will be based on news ..
Secured Malaysian Government School Projects 2020
Secured Ubezkistan Government School Projects 2020
When the Team park start operating ...
Limit up from the the current price of that moment of announcement.
We are targeting at least RM0.10 during EGM this friday
and TP1 RM0.12
and we are expecting receive approval of proposal from all parties
and we are exciting to get free warrants! staytune EGM this friday!
join our telegram on
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