At first I already withdraw this blogpost because of sympathy that it may cause Choivo lose his rice bowl, however after I see how he attack David Lim instead of question him nicely, I decided to repost this blog again, hopefully all the readers and investors of Choivo can see this.
You never ride on Dayang, please dont be a SOUR GRAPE, as it would makes u look very ugly...just stick with your TIMECOM and RCECAP.
You're being overly simplistic in your analysis of a highly complex business, in an industry with multiple feedbacks.
Do you remember hengyuan, masteel etc.
How precise your predictions are and how incredible wrong they were?
After all my conversation with this kid, I have to admit that I cant stand with his bullshit anymore. Whenever there is member sharing idea in i3 he will come out and stop people from sharing idea, and not just stop, without hesitation he will immediately categorize that people as an unethical pump and dump person. Let me tell you smtg jon, from what i notice, i guess u dont hv much friends in reality, anyway thats ok, changes came frm the people himself, who am i to tell you to change ur behaviour. u just go on with your narrow heart and cant bear with information sharing kind of shit. sometimes u are really contradict with your statement seriously, last time say icon pump and dump and ended up at thr PLP ask for collaboration.
Where is your credibility? Pls dont ignore my question, even soojinhou who earned my respect also cant bear with you arrogant piece of shit, and i hope philip will report you to SC. If he dont do it, I will do it by tonight... when i say something like if you bought a share today and tmr it gone up 300%, by using value investing logic, value doesnt create out from thin air or just one night, so those are consider as speculative profit, are you going to refund your profit to your IB as those are your so called unethical profit made from market. you and ricky can't answer me... jon always contradict with his own statement, like he share timecom amd his 5k rcecap analysis as well.
If mr Soo is here, i hope he can defend my statement with his english because i cant beat Jon's with my England.
Uncle graduated frm sjkc chung cheng, since then i worked as butchery then kopitiam then only i have some spare time to learn english myself and also investment, forgive me for my bad english and grammar.
The most classic example of Jon the Sour Grape would be this... Few months ago i bump into MBMR recommended by commonsense (thank you for earning me almost 35% return, and also icons SHARING not a fucking PUMP AND DUMP) , and this kid out of no where come and say some bullshit.
Choivo Capital
commonsense, Stop trying to fry MBMR up in every single forum, by talking as if its gold selling at the price of lead. You make me itch to balance the equation by talking it down like mad here. 03/01/2019 5:58 PM
Choivo Capital
Its at best a 30-35% discount to fair value. I can name you at least 3 companies selling at 40-50% off fair value. And this is fair value derived from earnings. If we go to RNAV, i can name you 10 at more than 50% discount easily.
03/01/2019 6:00 PM
Everytime people come out with some good idea with the good intention of sharing the idea over the forum, this GRAPE will just come out and throw some stupid ass statement with the stupid ass tone "i can name you 3 bla bla bla company below fair value bla bla bla, or this company has no moat bla bla bla, or this is not a fantastic business as it seems to be la bla bla bla....."
and yes time will tell, Look where is MBMR now and where is your fantastic business RCECAP now??? Ofcourse I have no intention to talk bad about RCECAP as i know there are others shareholder of RCECAP as well (it is not fair for them, so this comparison is just for Jon).
So is it commonsense a Pump and dump guy? or he is a guy with good intention of sharing? and what about our sour grape jon who is trying to stop other people to share their idea while he himself at the otherside saying how good his RCECAP is? is he evil or angel?
readers judge yourself.
investors of Jon's fund, judge your fund manager credibility.
In my opinion, this guy has some serious attitude and behavior problem, maybe he is autism kid. If he is autism i wouldnt blame him, but based on his England i believe he is not a kid with autism. I have gather all the information needed to submit to SC if i really have to do it.
Lets gather some opinion from forum members. feel free to drop some comment.