Dear all,
Today I want to share an experience with all the unkers, having seen quite a few Unkers like the Oden of Family Mart. So today decided to try it once, RM 8.60 for 2 fish cakes and udon. I tell you ah, personally I am very picky with the food I ate, if not nice I sure say NO. But this one I TELL YOU REALLY TASTE DAMN GOOD, FOR THAT PRICE, not enough for me lah, maybe next time need to order DOUBLE the portion. SERIOUSLY, THE ODEN at Family Mart I can eat it everyday (MAIN REASON BECAUSE I AM VERY PICKY AND I DON'T HAVE MUCH CHOICES IN MY SCHOOL), SO I TELL YOU THIS FAMILY MART IS REALLY MY LIFE SAVIOR LAH. The soup is damn good really, no MSG one I think, because not thirsty at all after sapu all the soup!
Besides ah, I tell you this Family Mart de location really CHUN CHUN 100% GENIUS PICK lah. Prior to this Family Mart, it was a 7 Eleven, business so so lah you know lah all 7E also like that, barely surviving I think. But ever since I think this month, the Family Mart opened ah, I tell you everytime I go there also need to queue!!! SO MANY CUSTOMERS, to the point I really think Unker Philip is RIGHT ABOUT THE POTENTIAL OF THIS COMPANY.
OKAY lah I say something smarter now, usually companies operating in thin profit margin industries have lesser competitors, why? Because you invest so much into the industry only earn that few % of profit, not WORTH mah correct right? But it's the Consumer Staples industry leh, that's why still so much competition, everyone need to eat mah, no need scare no business lah. But one thing you all need to realize is this ah, if very competitive industry means profit margin more difficult to maintain right? Because more competition means more pricing pressure, either you sell cheaper to gain more business, driving down your profit margin. Or because you are so good that you can maintain your price because you have the EDGE over your competitors. And ladies and gentlemen, this is what QL Resources have been able to achieve for the past 20 or so years!
Look at their profit margin, so thin so thin, yet never once they made a loss. SO IMPRESSIVE LAH. AND THEN THE MASTER STROKE OF GENIUS IS TO BECOME THE MASTER FRANCHISOR OF FAMILY MART! That's is not enough of course, the store location they pick really also sibeh sibeh SMART.
OH BY THE WAY, THE BRANCH I AM REFERRING TO IS FAMILY MART IN MONASH UNIVERSITY. The other branch that I am very impressed with although been there a 2 times only is the one at KLIA 2 also. But ah I tell you the one in my university is the BEST PICK. So far the 3 times I visited this month, also need to queue. WILL I GO AND EAT THE ODEN EVERYDAY? PROBABLY NOT, BUT AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK? DEFINITELY I CAN TELL YOU THAT WITH 101%.
OF COURSE I DON'T RECOMMEND YOU ALL TO BUY THIS STOCK LAH, LATER SURE KENA HANTAM ONE. BUT FOR ME I SURE BUY LAH, Because I will contribute to the topline by being the customer. 10 years from now, will Family Mart business be as good as today? I can say for certain YES. But maybe their matcha ice cream got kurang manis option is good lah. Must be a bit more health conscious these days mah.