Land nearby rapid pengerang.Another strategic land owned by MPHBCAP.
971.40 acres of freehold land (Agriculture)
731.12 acres of leasehold land (expired 2910) (Agriculture)
971.40+731.12=1702.52 acres@74161771.2sqf in total.
In 2014,MPHB Capital alleged that its land was unlawfully acquired by the Johor state government at a price of 93 sen per square foot (psf) despite there being an agreement between the latter and Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) to purchase the land at RM8 psf.
The Rapid pengerang project is also expected to reach 98 per cent completion by the end on 2018, before it goes into commissioning and full operations in the first quarter 2019.
In this article https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/08/30/johor-wants-a-third-link-bridge-with-singapore-within-3-to-4-years/
Johor plans to build a third link bridge in Sungai Rengit in Pengerang, Kota Tinggi district, to ease the traffic congestions at the Johor Causeway and the Second Link Crossing.
Nowaday,pengerang is booming,many agriculture landlord are asking for price between RM7 to RM63 psf on property website.Will be higher if the third link bridge approved.
Helicopter and satelite view show that pengerang site short of housing development.
If we value mphbcap land at RM12.
RM889941254.4/715000000=RM1.24 per MPHBCAP share
If we value it above RM12 ?
That's why you Warran Buffets out there should buy while wee are offloading to you.A stock NTA worth more than RM4.