original https://protascofraud.home.blog/2018/05/14/张吉平-人心不足蛇吞象?chong-ket-pen-fraud-con-man-out-of-greed-富达偷窃案/

张吉平 – 人心不足蛇吞象?Chong Ket Pen – Fraud & Con Man born out of greed? 富达偷窃案强盗当道,小人得志,还有希望吗?How Protasco Bhd heist took place and what is left today.
张吉平(Chong Ket Pen)人心不足蛇吞象。忘恩负义,恩将仇报,嫁祸陷害,为非作歹,无恶不作。骗,抢,偷,盗,贿,陷,叛,除了好事,样样干完。骗局得手小人得志后千方百计要把富达公司(Protasco Bhd)吞了。官商巴结害得马来西亚政府透支津贴道路维修费用,大手笔骗取人民的血汗钱,以变相私有化国企高管身份,贿赂,贪污,刮取民膏自肥,明目张胆之夸张,史无前例,涉及面之广,毒害人心面之阔,以叛国罪正法,指日可待。
Chong Ket Pen, the con man which bites the hand who feeds, is an example of greed to the extreme. A man who is never content is like a snake trying to swallow an elephant, which explains the plunge of cash inside road maintenance company Protasco Bhd, while Chong Ket Pen’s riches ballooned overnight.
A person who can lie, cheat, and rob, at the same time deceive, induce, and betray the masters who placed him where he is today, if not as sinful as a devil, is a selfish crook. Chong Ket Pen is reckless enough to bribe and collude with certain government officers to cheat Malaysia government and people of Malaysia using dubious contract arrangements. Chong Ket Pen motive after all is just to enrich himself by putting blame on scapegoat while he does what he does most – to lie, cheat, and rob.
14 May 2018, Malaysia: The Pakatan Harapan won the 14th Malaysia General Election and replaced the former government together with the cronies who cling on like a leech. Protasco Bhd is among the most outstanding government-linked company taking almost 100% profit out of government contracts.
The suspected sophisticated money laundering network among JKR-Protasco-Contractors-CertainOfficers, where new government’s manifesto promised to wipe off corruption using PDRM (Police), MACC, IRB and Securities Commission, among the agencies, would be one of the main target on the list. According to insider information, the master mind and puppet master in Protasco Bhd potential graft and money laundering financial engineering, was lead by the controversial overnight millionaire Chong Ket Pen’s finance director (engineer) Mr. Ho Chun Fuat, being most obvious link in the Heist.
Chong Ket Pen, a civil servant in JKR, was hand picked by his old owner, together with Hasnur Rabiain bin Ismail, as “founders” or “gate keeper” for the boss’ company – Protasco Bhd in year 1991. On June 2012, Chong Ket Pen was demoted (fired) by old boss with the appointment of majority board members by old boss to Protasco Bhd’s board. However, on 3rd November 2012, Chong Ket Pen successfully privately signed an agreement with businessmen Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun by deceiving and inducing them to purchase Protasco Bhd’s controlling shares from his old boss. Chong Ket Pen convinced Tey & Ooi to become his “new boss” with inducement to own and control Protasco Bhd, including setting a bait to acquire an oil & gas asset to attract them to invest in Protasco Bhd. The act is proven a fraud and cheating case committed by Chong Ket Pen with sole intention is to use Tey & Ooi as his alibi to get rid of his old boss, and later manufactures a fake evidence to put blame on the new bosses in order to gain sole control of Protasco Bhd. Chong Ket Pen’s overnight Heist success shocked Malaysia business world by exposing the weakness in the system where the authorities would be fooled by potential professional con man, and there is nothing they can do to save the stakeholders of a public listed company.
Chong Ket Pen after his successful Heist, is busy finding ways to take out money from Protasco Bhd to his own pocket. During the year 2014-2018, together with Ho Chun Fuat and his board of directors, Chong Ket Pen self-writting RM4mil salary and fees a year or total over RM10mil, together with over RM54 million ill-gotten dividend derived from his ill-gotten Protasco Bhd shares. Besides series of failed projects spent by Chong Ket Pen, Protasco Bhd’s cost in legal, media, and conspiracies sunk over RM80mil at least during the short period of time, together, over RM144 mil spent directly and indirectly for this one man greed and recklessness. Combined with over RM50mil spent directly on Chong Ket Pen’s cronies which help “covering up his wrongdoings”, the unaccounted money wasted and burnt by Chong Ket Pen ballooned to RM190mil in just 4 years.
The devastating money laundering scheme not only burnt Protasco Bhd’s cash flow through the roof, the financially engineered dividend which paid out of bank borrowing amount to RM190mil over the 6 years period since Chong Ket Pen restored his power by cheating new bosses to bought over old boss’ Protasco Bhd controlling shares.
Combined direct and indirect spending caused by Chong Ket Pen self-gratification con jobs, over RM380mil burnt through just few years of his “stolen return” into power. The illegal money “directly” went into Chong Ket Pen’s pocket exceed RM100mil is such recklessly done, market wonders how deep the damages inside Protasco Bhd on unknown expenses siphoned “indirectly” into Chong Ket Pen and his cronies personal possession.
That explains why according to March 2018 Protasco Bhd’s quarterly report, there is over -RM487mil “debt” sitting insider Protasco Bhd’s book. Where did Chong Ket Pen financed his suspected money siphoning activities become an open secret, which is why institution investors such as EPF (employee provident fund) have been actively selling Protasco Bhd’s shares at huge discount perhaps foreseeing the “empty-inside” money laundering machine would soon burnt out in a year or two.
Chong Ket Pen’s PPA1M personal public relation scam which is 100% “funded” by Protasco Bhd despite giving (bribing) 49% profit sharing to Kop Mantap (PDRM Polis retiree cooperation) like “free gift” dropping from sky, joint venture on some PPA1M-PROTASCO-PDRM(Polis)-NAJIBRAZAK politically driven affordable housing project would soon sink more cash through heavy gearing from bank, count UOB being the regular alibi. UOB may soon the scapegoat in Chong Ket Pen’s Grand Heist.
Under Chong Ket Pen’s instruction, the last ticket to send Protasco Bhd to hell was stamped on 4th April 2018, a month before Malaysia General Election, which saw the missing cash of RM66mil in Protasco Bhd’s account suspected siphoned through “lowering Protasco Bhd’s road maintenance margin” and washed through the graft money in “contractor’s book” to secure JKR’s RM4.2billion road maintenance contract, coincidentally ordered to put up the 5 May 2018 “Najib Razak’s PPA1M-PROTASCO-PDRM(Polis)-NAJIBRAZAK election campaign showing “muscles and relationship” with the then Prime Minister, might just be the last nail on Chong Ket Pen’s coffin drag along Protasco Bhd 6 feet under.
These dubious deals will be adding yet another -RM500mil borrowing into the already jaw dropping -RM478mil debt sitting inside Protasco Bhd, which would soon fulfil Chong Ket Pen’s prophecy of bringing Protasco Bhd to the RM1 billion Club – “in Debt, not Market Capital”, to be more precisely.
Welcome to the Chongonomy’s version of Billion Ringgit Club.
2018年5月14日,马来西亚吉隆坡: 马来西亚希望联盟政府大选大胜改朝换代,把前朝政府和腐败分子一并推到,裙带关系著名的富达公司(Protasco Bhd) 厄运难逃。非法资金敛财网一夜浮出水面,有待警方和执法当局查明和正法。“庞大腐败偷窃案”幕后操纵的嫌疑犯,以富达公司张吉平控制的关键人物何春发(译音)最为出位。
张吉平,政府部门公务员出身,于1991年被旧老板提拔富达公司(PROTASCO BHD) 和马来同胞哈西诺一起当富达公司守门员,昵称“创业者”。在2012年6月份被旧老板打入冷宫后,于2012年11月3日私下签合约设计欺骗企业家郑博毅和黄国安收购旧老板富达公司股权,说服郑某和黄某当自己的新老板,并且以收购油气项目引诱新老板上钩,后来2014年9月上演“反间计”,忘恩负义,恩将仇报,设计圈套陷害嫁祸,利用新旧交替自己掌权富达公司的法律缺口,背叛公司东主,反客为主,抢夺富达公司控制权。一夜得志发财的张吉平摇身一变富达公司“大股东”,奴才当老板,震惊马来西亚商界,华社一片哗然。