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 [CYPARK RESOURCES BHD,国家政策和激励措施增强其业务活动和市场影响力,到2020年其可再生能源总装机容量将增加四倍,达到120兆瓦以上,LSS 2的胜利提高公信力,增强市场地位,培养竞争力]

该集团2018年第2季度的收入增加了1520万令吉或18.1%至9,910万令吉,而2017年第2季度则为8,390万令吉。收入的增加主要来自环境工程部门和园林绿化和基础设施部门。2Q2018的税前利润从2017年第二季度的1,430万令吉大幅增加了920万令吉或64.1%至2350万令吉。 2017年第二季度税前利润较低,主要原因是该季度确认ESOS费用为520万令吉。与收入及税前利润增加一致,Cypark资源于二零一八年第二季的税后利润由去年同期的1,160万令吉增加710万令吉或61.5%至1,870万令吉。





Cypark资源于本财政期间的收入增加2,070万令吉或12.7%至1.831亿令吉,而上一财政期间则录得1.624亿令吉。这一增长主要归功于环境工程部门从新建的大型太阳能项目中的强劲表现。本财政期间的税前利润从上一财政期间的2880万令吉大幅增加1000万令吉或34.7%至3,880万令吉。同样,Cypark资源的税后利润也从上一财政期间的2290万令吉增加了810万令吉或35.1%至3100万令吉。由于会计开支确认为520万令吉,上一财政期间的除税后溢利较低是因为该特定财政期间根据MFRS 2向雇员授予以权益结算的购股权。







Cypark预计,未来几年,财务业绩将继续保持增长态势。在业务转型的下一阶段,Cypark将继续专注于管理成本和投资,优化人力和运营,提高生产力和效率;最终提升其市场份额和竞争优势。作为环境工程,绿色技术和可再生能源的解决方案提供商,Cypark将继续加强其研发资源,以实现持续创新。 Cypark将通过应用丰富的人类创造力为环境问题提供创新解决方案,继续发挥其在利用丰富自然资源方面的先锋作用。


可再生能源的前景看好。根据目前获得的项目,Cypark预计到2020年其可再生能源总装机容量将增加四倍,达到120兆瓦以上。Cypark最近在LSS 2中的胜利也有望提高公信力,增强公司在该行业的市场地位,从而在未来的招标过程中培养其竞争力。

政府的政策和激励措施,例如,SEDA持续实施净能源计量计划,Green Technology Master Plan 2017 – 2030 and Energy Efficiency Action Plan,预计将继续成为机遇的推动因素,并进一步推动行业发展。

Cypark已经完成了全国第一个也是最大的并网浮动太阳能系统的安装工作。在Sepri Dam,森美兰的270kw浮式太阳能系统的一英亩项目已经改变了未来太阳能项目的开发方式。最近Cypark成功获得由能源委员会给予在Empangan Terip, Negeri Sembilan的30.00 MWa.c. LSS floating solar project,预示着Cypark的创新能力。一旦完成,浮动太阳能项目将成为世界上最大的太阳能项目之一。该项目有望为公司的可持续发展做出贡献。

由于Cypark已从短期/中期收入转为特许经营收入,预计Ladang Tanah Merah的完成将对公司稳定和可持续收入作出重大贡献,因为预计每年将产生8,000万令吉,为期25年的特许期。 2018年还将看到Cypark的沼气能源项目,在Ladang Tanah Merah的Fully Anaerobic Bioreactor System (FABIOS)投产后的收入贡献。

Cypark将继续加强研发方面的努力和资源,以开发能源储存,可出口生物质固体燃料(BSF)和Energy Efficiency (EE)项目的商机。这些项目预计将有助于Cypark在绿色技术领域的收入增长。公司将把空果串(EFB)生物质绿色颗粒的出口扩大到具有巨大潜在市场规模的特定区域市场。




2018年,建筑工程部门预计将继续充满商业活动,因为该部门是Cypark新的和正在进行的可再生能源和环境工程项目的主要承包商。公司还将加大力度和资源,以确保更多项目建设基础设施,园林绿化以及住宅和商业建筑,其中包括全面的工程和施工服务周期 - 从可行性研究到概念和详细设计;采购和后勤,以指导施工和项目管理进行测试和调试。
James Ng Stock Pick Performance:
Since Recommended Return:

1) Gtronic (GLOBETRONICS TECHNOLOGY BHD), recommended on 8 Jul 18, initial price was RM2.17, rose to RM2.69 in 1 month 15 days, total return is 24%

2) FRONTKN (FRONTKEN CORP BHD), recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM0.835 in 11 days, total return is 16.8%

3) KKB (KKB ENGINEERING BHD), recommended on 1 Jul 18, initial price was RM0.795, rose to RM0.885 in 1 month 22 days, total return is 11.3%

我希望将我的策略分享给读者,希望他们在阅读后能够表现出色。我正在使用基本面分析(Fundamental Analysis):

预计公司每年的增长率必须> 14%


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James的股票投资James Share Investing Blog Index: https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/general/blidx.jsp


James Ng
[CYPARK RESOURCES BHD, national policies and incentives provide opportunities to enhance business activities and market presence, total renewable energy plant capacity to jump four fold to more than 120 MW by 2020, win in LSS 2 expected to enhance credibility and strengthen market position, thus foster its competitiveness in the future bidding]

The Group's revenue for 2Q2018 increased by RM15.2 million or 18.1% to RM99.1 million as compared to RM83.9 million recorded in 2Q2017. The increase in revenue was mainly contributed by the Environmental Engineering division and Landscaping & Infrastructure division. The profit before tax for 2Q2018 increased significantly by RM9.2 million or 64.1% to RM23.5 million from RM14.3 million as recorded in 2Q2017. Lower profit before tax was registered in 2Q2017 due mainly to the recognition of one off ESOS expense amounted to RM5.2 million in that quarter. In line with the increases in revenue and profit before tax, the Group’s profit after tax for 2Q2018 increased by RM7.1 million or 61.5% to RM18.7 million from RM11.6 million as recorded in preceding year quarter.

Environmental Engineering:
The revenue for 2Q2018 increased substantially by RM8.1 million or 12.3% to RM73.6 million as compared to RM65.6 million as recorded in 2Q2017. Resulting from the increase in revenue, the profit before tax in current quarter also increased by RM2.0 million or 12.5% to RM18.0 million from RM16.0 million in 2Q2017. The increases were mainly due to the continuous progress of work done for the new projects secured in this division.

Landscaping & Infrastructure:
The revenue for 2Q2018 increased substantially by RM4.4 million or 64.4% to RM11.1 million as compared to RM6.8 million recorded in 2Q2017. The profit before tax for 2Q2018 for this division also increased by RM1.1 million to RM1.7 million as compared to RM0.6 million recorded in 2Q2017. The increase was mainly due to the increase in work activities of the projects secured under this division during the current quarter.

Maintenance (Operation & Maintenance):
The revenue generated by this division for current quarter increased substantially by RM1.2 million or 260% to RM1.6 million as compared to RM0.4 million in 2Q2017. In line with the increase in revenue, the profit before tax also increased significantly to RM0.5 million from RM0.1 million recorded in 2Q2017. The higher revenue and profit were mainly contributed by the specialist maintenance contractual works on leachate treatment plants secured since 3Q2017.

Green Tech & Renewable Energy:
The revenue for green tech & renewable energy division for current quarter increased by 13.9% or RM1.5 million to RM12.7 million from RM11.2 million recorded in 2Q2017. The profit before tax of this divisio increased by RM0.4 million or 15.5% to RM3.2 million as compared to RM2.8 million recorded in 2Q2017. This was also mainly contributed by the better electricity generation and further saving achieved in finance costs in current quarter.

The Group's revenue for current financial period increased by RM20.7 million or 12.7% to RM183.1 million as compared to RM162.4 million recorded in preceding financial period. The increase was mainly contributed by the intense performance of Environment Engineering division from the newly secured large scale solar projects. The profit before tax for current financial period increased substantially by RM10.0 million or 34.7% to RM38.8 million from RM28.8 million as recorded in preceding financial period. Similarly, the Group’s profit after tax also increased by RM8.1 million or 35.1% to RM31.0 million from RM22.9 million recorded in preceding financial period. The profit after tax in previous financial period was lower due to the recognition of accounting expenses of RM5.2 million
on the grant of equity-settled share options to employees in accordance to MFRS 2 in that particular financial period.

Environmental Engineering:
The revenue for the current financial period increased by RM16.1 million or 13.3% to RM137.2 million as compared to RM121.0 million as recorded in the preceding financial period. This was mainly due to the continuous progress of works for the new large scale solar projects secured in this division. In line with the increase in the revenue, the profit before tax also increased by RM2.7 million or 10.5% to RM28.9 million from RM26.2 million in the preceding financial period.

Landscaping & Infrastructure:
The revenue for the landscaping and infrastructure division for the current financial period increase marginally by RM0.4 million or 2.4% to RM18.9 million as compared to RM18.5 million in the preceding financial period. The profit before tax for this division accordingly also increased by RM0.3 million to RM3.0 million as compared to RM2.7 million recorded in preceding financial period.

Maintenance (Operation & Maintenance):
The revenue generated by this division for current financial period increased substantially by RM2.4 million or 272.1% to RM3.3 million as compared to RM0.9 million in preceding financial period. In line with the increase in revenue, the profit before tax also increased significantly to RM1.1 million from RM0.2 million recorded in preceding financial period. The higher revenue and profit were mainly contributed by the specialist maintenance works performed on leachate treatment plants.

Green Tech & Renewable Energy:
The revenue for green tech & renewable energy division for current financial period increased slightly by RM1.7 million or 7.5% to RM23.7 million as compared to RM22.0 million recorded in preceding financial period. The profit before tax of this division increased by RM0.9 million or 17.5% to RM5.7 million as compared to RM4.8 million recorded in preceding financial period. This was also mainly contributed by the better electricity generation and continuous saving achieved in finance costs in the current financial period.

The revenue of the Group for the current quarter increased by 17.9% or RM15.0 million to RM99.1 million as compared to RM84.0 million recorded in the immediate preceding quarter. The profit before tax of the Group increased substantially by RM8.2 million or 53.5% to RM23.5 million as compared to RM15.3 million recorded in the immediate preceding quarter. This was mainly due to the better income contributed by the intense specialist work activities performed in the current stage of the project cycle in Environmental Engineering division.

The national market in environmental engineering, renewable energy, and green technology is expected to improve in 2018. This is mainly due to national policies and incentives which provide opportunities for green technology and renewable energy players to enhance their business activities and market presence. The favorable outlook in this area is in line with the global agenda which foresees stronger commitment towards the allocation of more resources for green technology and renewable energy.

Embarking into its prospective years, Cypark foresees that the boosting financial performance will continue its momentum. In the next phase of the business transformation, Cypark will continue to focus on managing cost and investment, optimising manpower and operation, and increasing productivity and efficacy; eventually boosting its market share and competitive advantage. Cypark will continue to enhance its resources in research and development for continuous innovations and creativity as a solution provider in environmental engineering, green technology, and renewable energy. Cypark will continue its spearheading role in harnessing the abundance of the natural resources by applying the wealth of human creativity towards providing innovative solutions to environmental problems.

The emphasis for the future is to foster its four main business segments: renewable energy; green technology; environmental engineering and solutions; and construction & engineering. The Company expects to put more resources into the four segments through which Cypark anticipates to enhance its capacity to realise future opportunities.

Renewable Energy:
The prospect for renewable energy looks promising. Based on the projects currently secured, Cypark expects its total renewable energy plant capacity to jump four fold to more than 120 MW by 2020. Cypark’s recent win in LSS 2 is also expected to enhance credibility and strengthen the Company’s market position in the industry, thus foster its competitiveness in the future bidding processes.

Government policies and incentives, for examples, the continuous implementation of Net Energy Metering Programme by SEDA, Green Technology Master Plan 2017 – 2030 and Energy Efficiency Action Plan, are expected to continue to be the drivers for the opportunities and further boost the industry.

Cypark has completed the installation of the nation’s first and largest grid connected floating solar system which is constructed on water source. The one acre project of 270kw floating solar system at Sepri Dam, Negeri Sembilan has transformed how solar project will be developed in the future. The recent successful award of 30.00 MWa.c. LSS floating solar project at Empangan Terip, Negeri Sembilan by the Energy Commission to Cypark bodes well with Cypark’s innovative approach. Once completed, the floating solar project will become one of the largest of its kind in the world. The project is expected to contribute to the Company’s sustainability.

As Cypark has been shifting from short/medium-term based revenue to concession-generated income, the expected completion of Ladang Tanah Merah is foreseen to contribute substantially to the Company’s stable and sustainable revenue as it is anticipated that RM80 million will be generated annually over the 25-year concession period. 2018 will also see revenue contribution from Cypark’s biogas-to-energy project upon the commissioning of its Fully Anaerobic Bioreactor System (FABIOS) in Ladang Tanah Merah.

Green Technology:
Cypark will continue to enhance efforts and resources in research and development to develop business opportunities from energy storage, exportable Biomass Solid Fuels (BSF) and Energy Efficiency (EE) projects. The projects are expected to contribute to Cypark’s revenue growth in the green technology segment. The Company will expand export of Biomass Green Pellet made from Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) to selected regional markets with large potential market size.

Cypark has also identified future opportunities to develop Net Energy Metering (NEM) Project as offered by Malaysia’s SEDA, Energy Effienciency Project and Energy Storage Technology to manage supply of electricity in creating a more flexible and strong energy infrastructure and energy from diesel replacement projects.

Environmental Engineering & Solutions:
The segment is expected to contribute significantly to Cypark’s sustainable income and financial performance through long-term government’s contracts in operation and management (O&M) of several leachate treatment plants and collection of tipping fees from sanitary landfill operations.

Cypark’s strengths in experience and expertise as the local pioneering company in providing environmental engineering solutions are expected to foster the Company’s chance to secure more future projects in waste water treatment, sanitary landfills, waste management facilities, and closure of dump sites. To date, Cypark’s experienced team has successfully completed more than 600 acres of remediation and restoration work of contaminated ground spanning over 20 landfill projects across the country.

Construction Engineering:
In 2018, construction engineering segment is expected to continue to be full of business activities as the segment is the main contractor for Cypark’s new and on-going renewable energy and environmental engineering projects. The Company will also increase its efforts and resources to secure more projects in construction of infrastructure, landscaping, as well as residential and commercial buildings, which includes a comprehensive engineering and construction service cycle – from feasibility study to conceptual and detailed design; procurement and logistic to direct construction and project management to testing and commissioning.
James Ng Stock Pick Performance:
Since Recommended Return:

1) Gtronic (GLOBETRONICS TECHNOLOGY BHD), recommended on 8 Jul 18, initial price was RM2.17, rose to RM2.69 in 1 month 15 days, total return is 24%

2) FRONTKN (FRONTKEN CORP BHD), recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM0.835 in 11 days, total return is 16.8%

3) KKB (KKB ENGINEERING BHD), recommended on 1 Jul 18, initial price was RM0.795, rose to RM0.885 in 1 month 22 days, total return is 11.3%

I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:

the forecasted growth of a company must > 14% per year

I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.

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In order to facilitate the query of the company and stock picking articles I have written, a index has been produced. Everyone can find company and stock picking articles from https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/general/170872.jsp by date.

James的股票投资James Share Investing Blog: https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/general/

James的股票投资James Share Investing Blog Index: https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/general/blidx.jsp

Final decision is always yours, thank you.

James Ng

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