We believe many traders and investors are worried about the market right now and dare not move into any stocks at the moment. Some are looking for the rebound point and expecting to buy more to average down their cost, which we totally don’t agree with this move.
The market crash since 22nd of May and many are not able to react or sell their holdings on the spot because of PANIC SELLING in the market. Some traders or investors choose to hold their position and hoping that their stocks will push back to their cost price. Others might think of buying more to average down their cost. Basically the market is filled with Hopes & Fear.
We heard many traders & investors are losing tremendous amount of money in this crash and most of them lose their capital due to not willing to cut their position because is too painful to cut. So what can you do now and what have you learn from this market crash? Most of the traders and investors in the market will blame that they are too greedy or they have bad luck.
What you really need to be aware of right now is not whether you are greed or unlucky. The main question you need to ask yourself is, Who created the PANIC SELLING?
Have you ever think of why everyone are throwing their shares out at the same time? How do they know that? Basically the person can affect the whole market are the big boys. They have the first hand information and team to watch the market is going to crash soon. Such crash is not just happen in second, it has been brewing quite some time.
Is the same as what we have share this information in our blog before the Election & “Trade War” incident happen, we saw the big boys in the market are dumping their shares out slowly and pump their shares up to get more retail traders in to buy their shares. You can refer to the link below to find our blogs mentioned about market is weak below :
CAUTION : Market Falling, Big Boys Distributing
Author: roundnsurge | Publish date: Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 05:37 PM
What Can You Do In the Current Down Market?
Author: roundnsurge | Publish date: Mon, 5 Mar 2018, 08:27 PM
Market Down, Too Painful to Cut Loss? Read this for solution
Author: roundnsurge | Publish date: Wed, 7 Mar 2018, 10:47 PM
KLSE Market POV : Dead Cat Bounce Or True Rebound?
Author: roundnsurge | Publish date: Tue, 13 Mar 2018, 04:01 PM
FBMKLCI Down -1.88%, What Should You Do Now?
Author: roundnsurge | Publish date: Wed, 4 Apr 2018, 07:27 PM
As a retail trader like us, we have access to all this information too, if you know how and your direction is right in the stock market. We follow the big boys with our Operator Analysis to find out their intention in the market and react to it and this is how we react to market up and market down. You can do it too, simply by following us, which we have shared out since beginning of the year. At the same time we do received comments mentioning that our analysis is rubbish. But the market proves our Operator Analysis works well.
Is not too late for you to find our blog right now, hope that you can find some direction here for your portfolio.
As we can see the market has down for 9.82% since the highest point.
Scary isn’t it? If is not scary enough, look at your portfolio. Most of the traders and investors portfolio got wipe out at least 50% and some of them are still holding on their losing position.
Let’s talk about what will happen now in the market using our Operator Analysis.
In the past blogs we posted, there are many pump and dump going around in the market. However, we don’t see much of the pump & dump at the moment, BUT don’t get too excited that the market will rebound just because the big boys are not throwing their shares out. At the moment has no point for them to dump their shares, because you are not buying due to fear. At the same time we don’t see much big boys are coming back into the market yet.
The current market is at a situation where there isn’t any buyers but with some seller secretly selling in the market. If you notice, quite a numbers of day you will find KLCI drop in the last few mins of trading hours.
Why is the above happening? This is when the big boys are throwing out the shares quietly without creating panic selling during market hour, without having retailers coming in to sell together with them.
Demand/ big boys are very important in financial market. Without them, the price will not move. Even with a Rank AAA stocks, require demand to push the price up higher. You can find dozens of stocks in the market with good fundamental now, but the price just don’t go up and sometimes the reports about a good fundamental stocks can be change after a few months to sell, just because they see the financial reports is not good and you will receive the information too late.
At the moment we are not moving into any stocks but we see that the market will continue to drop gradually until the big boys are back. Therefore, we are still into FBMKLCI Put Warrants until the big boys are back.
Follow us on our KLSE Market POV webinar on every Monday, 8:30pm to 9:15pm to get updates about the market at the link below : https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4562907669705827074
Success in the market is not about buying cheap stocks now and how much profit you have made, is about whether you can move in at the right spot and right time. Or else it will end with never ending buying until your funds dry up.
Market Drop? No Worry, we have a solution for you!

Find out more about how we track big boys effectively in our Facebook and YouTube Channel or Join our Weekly Market Webinar Session :
This blog is for sharing our point of view about the market movement and stocks only. It is not and advice or recommendation to buy or sell financial instrument. Viewers and readers are responsible on your own trading decision. The author of this blog are not liable for any losses incur by any investment or trading.