--Masteel Rm0.81 趁低買入,小而美,红股后调整完,随着鋼价的上升,它拥4。3亿多价值庫存己增
--原材料将维持现状,中国为最大钢铁生产与消费国,现有很大权力的定价权,未來1,2年钢价可企穩,国 内钢铁在反倾销税保护下,业者可保净利水平,公司存货与生产是並行的,之前的货现可卖到好价,masteel是被低估股票。合理价rm1.30
--于31-12-2017公司CASH=5277万, 借款=3.54亿, NTA=RM2。05
--库存为4.3亿 /4.27亿股数=RM1.00(个人简单计算).
--4%赚副,(个人简单计算): 年营业约14亿 乘以4%=56m ,
56M/427M 股数=RM0.13 ,PE=10,股价=RM1.,30
Prospects :
In 2018, the global demand of steel is expected to moderately increase over the levels of 2017. Steel prices are expected to remain at 2017 levels underscored by the increase of prices of many consumables that are used for steel making. The higher steel prices are also caused by supply side restrictions arising from capacity cut backs, environmental regulations and weather induced interruptions. Locally, the new steel supply due to the coming on stream of China owned Steel Mill in Kuantan, will gradually increase the supply of wire rods and steel bars in the local markets. The effects of the new supply on the Company's performance will largely be driven by the rate of commercialization of the steel output of the new entrant, percentage of its steel exported and the pace of roll out of the many infrastructure projects particularly in the public transport sector.
Steel stocks poised for re-rating
TheStarWed, Mar 21, 2018 - 16 hours ago
Ready for shipping: A file picture showing steel coils produced at a steel mill in Indiana being prepared for
shipping. Local steel stocks have fallen 18.3 after the US announced proposed tariffs on steel and
aluminium imports. — AFP
shipping. Local steel stocks have fallen 18.3 after the US announced proposed tariffs on steel and
aluminium imports. — AFP
UOB Kay Hian says steel firms may report another set of strong Q1 earnings in May
PETALING JAYA: Share price weakness of steel stocks, partly due to an overreaction to the US import tariff on
Chinese products, should see a re-rating during a possibly strong first-quarter 2018 results season in May,
said UOB Kay Hian.
Chinese products, should see a re-rating during a possibly strong first-quarter 2018 results season in May,
said UOB Kay Hian.
In a sector update report yesterday, the research house opined that steel companies may report another
strong set of earnings for the first quarter, with gross profit per tonne potentially expanding to RM733 per tonne.
strong set of earnings for the first quarter, with gross profit per tonne potentially expanding to RM733 per tonne.
This is based on UOB Kay Hian’s generic model and quarter-to-date steel price of RM2,717 per tonne.
“The sector’s current share price weakness, partly as a result of the US tariff on imported steel and aluminium,
may present a good buying opportunity.
“The sector’s current share price weakness, partly as a result of the US tariff on imported steel and aluminium,
may present a good buying opportunity.
“For steel stocks under our coverage, share prices weakened by an average of 18.3% from their recent highs
compared to Chinese steel companies, which saw an average decline of 17.1%,” said UOB Kay Hian.
compared to Chinese steel companies, which saw an average decline of 17.1%,” said UOB Kay Hian.
It added that the outlook for steel remains promising, given the sustainably high local steel prices that are
supported by industry consolidation in China.
supported by industry consolidation in China.
The research house expects local steel demand to gradually improve on the back of the commencement of
various mega and infrastructure projects.
various mega and infrastructure projects.
“We also reiterate our view that the tariff imposed on imported steel and aluminium by the US should not
have a significant impact on local steel players, given that excess supply from US imports should easily
be absorbed given the aggressive capacity cuts by China.
have a significant impact on local steel players, given that excess supply from US imports should easily
be absorbed given the aggressive capacity cuts by China.
“In addition, logistically, it would be economically inefficient for US steel suppliers such as Canada, Brazil
and Mexico to divert excess supply to Asia,” said UOB Kay Hian.
and Mexico to divert excess supply to Asia,” said UOB Kay Hian.
In February 2018, local steel bar and billet prices declined marginally by 2.7% and 2% to RM2,725 per tonne
and RM2,375 per tonne, respectively.
and RM2,375 per tonne, respectively.
Despite the slight decline, the research house said that local steel prices are still on the high side and
well-supported by rising steel consumption, as well as the safeguard duty on imported steel.
well-supported by rising steel consumption, as well as the safeguard duty on imported steel.
For companies under UOB Kay Hian’s coverage, Ann Joo Resources Bhd
’s reported results that came in within its estimates, while Choo Bee Metal Industries Bhd
reported stronger-than-expected earnings.

“Ann Joo, a long steel player, reported a 12.2% quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q) growth in core net profit in the
fourth quarter of 2017, thanks to a higher average selling price of 3.2% q-o-q increase to RM2,494 per tonne,
moderately higher sales volume and lower effective tax rate thanks to an income tax exemption order.
fourth quarter of 2017, thanks to a higher average selling price of 3.2% q-o-q increase to RM2,494 per tonne,
moderately higher sales volume and lower effective tax rate thanks to an income tax exemption order.
“For Choo Bee, earnings for the fourth quarter saw a 33.1% q-o-q improvement, largely supported by strong
growth from the manufacturing division as well as the trading division,” said UOB Kay Hian.
growth from the manufacturing division as well as the trading division,” said UOB Kay Hian.
The research house added that Ann Joo was a prime beneficiary from rising price demand for long steel products,
given its hybrid manufacturing facility, as well as effective capital management.
given its hybrid manufacturing facility, as well as effective capital management.
Meanwhile, Choo Bee maintained its net cash position in 2017 with the net cash level making up 19% of its market cap.
UOB Kay Hian has maintained its “buy” call on Ann Joo based on a nine times price-earnings (PE) multiple of the
2019 earnings per share (EPS), and has reiterated its “buy” call on Choo Bee based on a PE multiple of seven times the 2019 EPS.
2019 earnings per share (EPS), and has reiterated its “buy” call on Choo Bee based on a PE multiple of seven times the 2019 EPS.
Ann Joo closed 2.1% lower at RM3.28, trading on a volume of 1.07 million shares, while Choo Bee closed 1.6% lower at RM2.50,
with 97,300 shares changing hands.
with 97,300 shares changing hands.
(IBanker) Masteel - A Rainbow After the Rain? (2)
Author: IBanker | Publish date:
As we can see from the latest chart above, Masteel's share price has dropped to the level of RM0.835 at 12.30pm today. At this price, any technical analysis indicators would show sell signals to all the punters and short term traders. At current broad market sentiment, any fundamental analysis and facts would not be listened by most of the traders, or even investors - mainly driven by intense fear and anxiety.
Straight to the point, to consider an action, (Buy, Sell or Hold) at this critical moment requires balls of steel. There are THREE key points should be known by the investors now, they would be:-
1. Massive Selling Could Be Over - Already Triggered All Technical Analysis Sell Signals
2. No Change in Fundamental in This Panic Selling
The panic selling was triggered by intense margin calls followed by the chain-effect of panic selling. Prospect remains bright (please read the published articles and news to read more).
3. Buy Low or Chase High?
There's a golden opportunity in stock market, presently and historically, when the stock market sentiment was being affected negatively without significantly changing the fundamental of the economy and businesses. These include: War Threat from North Korea, BREXIT, Presidential Election in US and etc. All these are temporary. I repeat, all these are temporary.
Each of them provides a good buying opportunity for investors, however, most of them chose to chase the stocks when these stock prices had rebounded strongly.
Last but not least, always remember, equity investors will always have to BUY BACK the shares in stock market after they have sold them earlier, especially when the broad market shows positive sentiment and when all the share prices start going up. The faster and the more it plunges, the faster and stronger it would rebound, given that fundamental and prospect remain positive.
I added more Masteel shares today. You have to decide for yourself. Good luck!
Note: Masteel has made annoucements on share buyback of 514,000 units of shares and 517,000 units of shares on 9 & 12 March. The buyback prices are in the range between RM0.95 to RM0.985.
TheEdgeTue, Mar 06, 2018 - 2 weeks ago
根据《The Edge》财经周刊报导,分析员视抛售压力为对全球负面情绪的一种反应,