The Board of Directors of ML Global Berhad (“MGB” or “the Company“) wishes to announce that MGB Geotech Sdn Bhd (“MGB Geotech”), an indirect 70%-owned subsidiary of the Company, has on 10 July 2017, accepted a letter of award (“LOA”) from Samling Ekovest JV Sdn Bhd (“SEJV”) for the appointment of MGB Geotech as a sub-contractor to SEJV for the sub-contract works for ‘Piling Works – Bau, Lundu and KSR Section (Precast Reinforced Concrete Square Piles and Precast Prestressed Concrete Spun Piles)’ at a provisional contract value of RM68,137,183.64 (“Project”). The construction period is for twenty (20) months and shall be completed by 31 October 2018.
The Project will increase and enhance the existing order book of the Company and its group of companies (“Group“).
With the Project in hand, the Group’s current outstanding order book is
of approximately RM2.05 billion.
The Project will have no effect on the issued share capital of the Company but it is expected to contribute positively to the earnings and net assets per share of the Company and the Group over the duration of the Project.
None of the Directors, substantial shareholders of MGB and or persons connected with them has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Project.
This announcement is dated 11 July 2017.
ML环球(ML Global Bhd)从Samling Ekovest JV私人有限公司(SEJV)包揽一项总值6814万令吉的分包合约,承接泛婆罗洲大道项目的石隆门县(Bau)-伦乐县(Lundu),以及砂拉越州KSR交通枢纽的打桩工程。
ML环球今日向大马交易所报备,间接持股70%的子公司MGB Geotech私人有限公司,接获SEJV的决标信,委任MGB Geotech为分包工程的分包商。