A little sharing for those interested to or already invested in Airlines stock, you may wonder why is AirAsia so unsafe and so many incidents. Check this website out : https://www.avherald.com
Aviation herald is a news website which report incidents, accidents, and crashes in aviation that make known to public. You could try to search AirAsia, Singapore (favourite of a lots), Qantas (World Safest), or any others airlines you wished to. You may found most of them has equal oreven more incidents than AirAsia/AAX. Due to the reason you couldn't park aircraft in midair like you park your car mid-road, aviation industry take any incidents (like engine breakdown or simply aircond not cold enough) very seriously. Some of incidents are simply technical or manmade while others are complex. FAA & EASA have very strict requirements to allow an aircraft to fly & as one of results, despite we saw commercial aircrafts have minimum 2 engines, aircrafts could fly with just 1 engine safely. Any extra than one is serve as redundancy. The aircraft could just proceed with the flight, turn back is just a precaution.
There is not much to worry about this D7237 incident or D7377 incident last month in safety term. Of course, the stock could crash on Wednesday, that's everyday life in airlines stock. By the way, do you know how big the chance an airliner crash nowadays? Probably thousands or millions time lesser than one of you hit my car from behind.
