LATITUD (7006), HEVEA (5095), LIIHEN (7089)
Latitude |
Hevea |
Liihen |
Latest Quarter Revenue |
209M |
145M |
168M |
Latest Quarter Net Profit |
32M |
28M |
28M |
RM5.85 |
RM0.9 |
RM1.47 |
Current Price |
RM5.63 |
RM1.54 |
RM3.37 |
Net Cash equivalent |
277M |
130M |
98M |
Cash equivalent from market cap (%) |
55.4% |
16.25% |
16% |
Dividend Yield |
2.13% |
2.98% |
6.5% |
Warrant dilution |
None |
132K share |
None |
Market cap |
RM550M |
RM800M |
RM607M |
From above 3 company comparison, which you think still worth to invest and why ?
LATITUD (7006), HEVEA (5095), LIIHEN (7089)