MMSV (0113) MMS創投 - [创业板]MMSV 2016年第三季度业绩是否更好和是否是下一个[主板股]?
第二篇文章[心水股追踪]MMSV 2016年第二季度业绩,突破单季度历史新高!详细文章请参考回:
MMSV 2016年第三季度业绩是否更好和是否符合转主板条件?
The Edge在9月5号有详细提及MMSV,相关链接
“We hope contributions from these two segments will help us achieve RM40 million revenue in FY16. We now have about RM9 million orders, which should last us until the third quarter of the year.
“We will have to work on picking up orders for the fourth quarter, as generally, most of our orders would have been delivered in July (the third quarter),” Sia told The Edge Financial Daily in a recent interview.
Presently, the group’s smart devices segment contributes 40% of its revenue, while the automotive segment contributes 30%. Its remaining three segments — general lighting, semiconductors and original equipment manufacturing — contribute 10% each.
For the second financial quarter ended June 30, 2016, the group reported a 59.9% net profit gain to RM5.71 million from RM3.57 million a year ago, thanks to a 75.5% rise in revenue to RM20.07 million, which the group attributed to newly acquired customers from the smart devices segment.
Also in the pipeline is its proposed listing transfer to the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia, but Sia declined to say when it will happen. “All I can say is it’s in the process and we are working on it. We are aiming for a transfer to the Main Market soon.”
首先,以上Director已说明将有9 Million 营业额带入第三季度,而大部分订单已在七月交付(第三季)。同时,以上也提及第二季度之所以提升那么多营业额,主要是从智能设备部门有新客户群的订单。想要突破之前在第二季度20 Million 营业额相信是有难度的,加上The Edge在9月5号才分享详细,想在1个月以内突破20 Million又是难上加难。这次低过20 Million 营业额可能性很大。
根据之前还未公布MMSV第二季度时报道有16Million,结果出现20 Million 营业额,比之前多出了4Million营业额。笔者认为这次第三季度的业绩将在RM9 million到RM13million之间。
以上图表显示Net Profit占Revenue 28%到31%之间(NET PROFIT MARGIN),笔者以28%推算第三季的Net Profit 将有RM2.520 Million到RM3.640 Million之间。
虽然第三季度业绩可能不如第二季业绩,但笔者发现如果我们以最低RM2.520 Million净利计算,第一季度到第三季度将会有RM8.008 Million 净利(FYE 2016前三个季度的净利累计-RM 0.224 M + RM 5.721 M+假设净利RM 2.520 M)。以最高RM3.640 Million净利计算将会有RM9.360Million净利 (FYE 2016前三个季度的净利累计RM -0.224 M+ RM 5.721M+假设净利RM 3.640M)。
2016年三个季度的Net Profit将跟2015年全年Net Profit至少持平,而股价将有机会挑战RM0.89的价位。如果第四季度保持,将有机会持平2014年全年Net Profit。如果超越2014年将是历史新高,但目前Director已说明第四季度需寻找订单,需持续观察MMSV的接下来的进展。
公司必须在过去的三或五个财政年拥有合计至少RM20 million的税后盈利(aggregate after tax profit),和最新的财政年要有至少RM6 million的税后盈利(Profit after tax),而且公司的盈利要不间断性,即间中没有亏损。
MMSV FY2013-2015 净利图表:
MMSV FY2013-2015 净利图表:
MMSV 2016年第一季度进入亏损的图表:
Director在The Edge提及公司目标是转主板,而今年笔者预测2016年三个季度的Net Profit将会有RM8.008 Million,不包括第四季度就已经符合转主板条件RM6 million 以上。

虽然符合以上条件,但笔者发现在第一季度是出现Net loss,虽然2016全年将出现Net profit。根据条件 - 盈利要不间断性,即间中没有亏损,并未提及是否包括季度业绩也需显示不间断性的正数Net Profit。
由于笔者有以上顾虑,已致电询问Bursa相关人员,最后叫笔者联络SC(Securities Commission Malaysia)。笔者跟SC相关人员讨论后,根据SC说法转主板的决定权将是Bursa,他们只是根据条件执行,并无权决定,无法帮到笔者。在无奈之下,询问他们可否给笔者Bursa相关人员联络号码。于是拿到了Email,笔者已经把问题用Email的方式给Bursa了。
MMS Ventures Bhd, which counts renowned LED-makers Osram and Lumileds among its customers, is anticipating a better financial year ending Dec 31, 2016 (FY16) in terms of both revenue and earnings, driven by both its smart devices and automotive lighting segments.
笔者看了他们最新公布的Quarter 3
让笔者为之一亮的是近期Osram收购新公司主要扩大SP的专长在汽车LED模块。另外,在投资1billion欧元在Kulim建设一个新的LED芯片厂 ,Osram宣布在2020年额外投资3billion欧元,其余2billion欧元将用于集团的全球研究和开发活动,详细相关
根据Osram未来发展,将有助于MMSV未来提升在汽车LED设备业务的营业额。目前,MMSV的 automotive segment占30% 。
The Future of Automotive Lighting with OSRAM Automotive -
MMSV (0113) MMS創投 - [创业板]MMSV 2016年第三季度业绩是否更好和是否是下一个[主板股]?