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Singapore Investment


Recently there are a lot of speculations that the Prime Minister will be calling for election soon. If that indeed happens, is there anything we can do to position ourselves in the stock market ? 

To answer the above question, I did a quick study on certain Blue Chips to find out whether past election (5 May 2013) had any impact on their share price. 


Affin started going up on 4 March 2013 (RM3.32). One day before election, it closed at RM3.46, up 4.2%.


AmBank started going up on 25 February 2013 (RM6.32). One day before election, it closed at RM6.63, up 4.9%.


Axiata started going up on 18 February 2013 (RM6.37). One day before election, it closed at RM6.60, up 3.6%.


CIMB started going up on 25 February 2013 (RM7.24). One day before election, it closed at RM7.61, up 5.1%.


Maybank started going up on 18 February 2013 (RM9.07). One day before election, it closed at RM9.59, up 5.7%.

RHB Capital

RHB Bank started going up on 25 February 2013 (RM7.86). One day before election, it closed at RM8.41, up 7%.


Telekom started going up on 18 March 2013 (RM5.25). One day before election, it closed at RM5.51, up 5%.


Tenaga started going up on 18 February 2013 (RM6.91). One day before election, it closed at RM7.78, up 12.6%.

Concluding Remarks

(a) My study shows that all of the relevant Blue Chips (in the stock universe) went up by approxmaitely 5% during a period of approximately 8 to 12 weeks before Election.

(b) Tenaga was the Star Performer, up by 12.6%.

(c) A return of 5% is not exactly very exciting, unless you play Call Warrants, which amplify the gain and loss by multiple folds through their leveraging effect. Of course, High Reward comes with High Risk. I don't advocate taking big position to get rich quick. It is ok to just play a little bit for the excitement.

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