Many a times, investing can be made very simple. It does not require complicated calculation and special tools to make an investment decision.
This is the case for OKA
Here I will show you in 2 simple reason, why OKA will be worthy of your money for the next 6 months.
Reason 1 : OKA specialized in U-shape reinforce concrete drains. Beside
that, also have multiple different pre-cast concrete product for
construction need. Some of the pre-cast concrete product like concrete
piles are of JKR specification.
There are no doubt a lot of on going large public infrastructure project
as well as private projects. All these need huge amount of concrete and
cement. Large public infrastructure project such as MRT 1, MRT 2, LRT
3, Duke Extension, WCE, Pan Borneo, SUKE, DASH, EKVE.
All this combined into a need of more than 1000 km or concrete drain needed. 1 on left, 1 right, that will be more than 2000 km of concrete drain needed.
This is very good solid reason to see OKA prospect in the business. Only can see more business coming in.
Reason 2 :
Need not me to say much. With 3 rolling quarter performance at EPS of
9.7 cents. Estimate full year performance at EPS of 13 cents is very
Valuing at PER of x10, OKA will worth RM 1.30 for this.
What you need to do now ?
Simple charting showing you this is a good opportunity to buy in to OKA.
The share hit support and see a good support and rebound.
Coming final year result will definitely send OKA to at least RM 1.20,
which is almost 20% of capital gain if you had invested in OKA now.
Investing is simple, and easy.
Know your share, invest it correctly.
See you at RM 1.20 within 6 months time frame.
OKA (7140) - 2 simple reason why owning OKA at range of RM 1.00 is worth your money