KUALA LUMPUR: Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) has outlined five strategic objectives for the group to unlock potential within Asean and become the region's leading financial services provider.
Maybank, which has a presence in every Asean country, said it recognised the "significant potential" within the region, arising from its growing middle-class, young population, SME segments as well as inter and intra-regional trade.
The strategic objectives are to become the top Asean community bank, the leading Asean wholesale bank linking Asia, leading Asean insurer, global leader in Islamic finance and to be the digital bank of choice.
Group president and CEO Datuk Abdul Farid Alias said the group had also strengthened its footprint in the region with the opening of a second branch in Laos and a new office tower in Cambodia this year.
"We will soon be opening a new branch in Shenzen - our fifth in Greater China- as we seek to tap into the Asean/Greater China trade flows," he said after the group's AGM here on Thursday.
MAYBANK (1155) - Maybank outlines 5 strategies to be Asean leader