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Singapore Investment


GCB : This stock was hotly discussed last Dec as it was surging higher and higher ... without much pause. This is a weekly chart ... and from what we could see ... the PUMP started end of NOV ... accumulation could be around 75cents-95cents.

It went to hit RM1.60 ... wow ... huat-ar ... as many more buying into my fav McD's GCB(double) burger.

There ... if I m hungry and in rush, I would just run to nearest McD to grab my GCB.

Joke aside, GCB at RM1 as I m pointing here. DUMP.

There are MANY such P&D stocks ... if we are aware of them. It is very difficult for us to trade as we need to GET OUT before the dump-wave coming ... but those good traders could trade well ... and ride on the trend. Now the trend is DOWN ... do not catch.

As I have sold most of stocks last week ... this week is watch and see. No buying just yet. Today KLCI up tho DOW minus 120points.

Time for lunch and yes, you got it right ... I m going for GCB today.

Have a nice week.


March 01, 2016

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