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Singapore Investment



  • Excellent growth in revenue and profits
  • Revised fair value from RM 3.95 to RM 4.05


  • Excellent growth in revenue and earnings. Revenues achieved 13.1% growth qoq and 7.0% YTD while PBT registered a growth of 84.4% yoy and 74.1% YTD. The Group recorded higher sales for all its services.
  • Employee’s benefit expenses increased RM 1.6 million (7%) on weakening MYR/CNY forex,  depreciation expense was lower by RM 1 million due to fully depreciated assets and exchange loss of RM 1.2 million from USD/MYR depreciation in this quarter.
  • Looking forward, the Group intends to continue to develop its core test capabilities with a long term plan to provide its services for the automotive market.


Revised fair value of RM 4.05 based on a 10-Y DCF valuation justified by; (i) 8% supernormal growth (ii) 8% required return (iii) 1% terminal growth. At current price of RM 4.34, implied margin of safety is -6.7%. Upgrade to FULLY VALUED.

Thank you.
Shaun Loong
Disclosure: At time of publication, I own stocks in KESM.

KESM (9334) - KESM Quarterly Results FY2016Q2
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