BHS Industries Berhad (BHS - 7241) is primarily involved in printing business. It prints magazine, school textbooks, general publication, directories, company annual reports as well as brochure and pamphlets.
While the printing industry do not usually have huge catalyst, the emergence of Felda (Federal Land Development Authority) and PMB (Pelaburan Mara Berhad) as majority shareholder had spook investor interest in the coming development of the company. The emergence of Dato Lim Thiam Huat as the Managing Director in BHS with a total of 25.26% controlling stake had made the whole development even interesting.
With all these prominent entries into BHS, what is the golden card that lies beneath BHS?
After several corporate exercise which involves share split and bonus issues, BHS is now sitting at outstanding shares of 419.14 million shares with a paid up capital of RM 104.78 million (Par value RM 0.25).
According to the latest technical outlook, BHS had saw heavy buying with a few occasion seeing more than 10 million share crossed hand in the open market. Earlier, BHS had saw much treasury buy back at the range of RM 0.57 before the Right Issue took place. Currently, BHS had in 6.4% of shares in it's Treasury.
The strong buying momentum in BHS is likely to see a continuation with a temporary target of RM 0.60. The latest corporate development, new business diversification as well as involvement of prominent figure in the back stage is the prime factor for the strong surging power in BHS.
The Harvest of 2016
Harvest Court Industries Berhad is both a groom and doom name for both traders and investor back then in November 2011. Share price of Harvest had shot up from a lowly 8 cents to a peak of RM 2.13 in a short time frame of 1.5 months, putting up a record of approximately 2600% in capital appreciation with the shortest time frame employed, ignoring multiple UMAs that was issued from the Bursa regulator. The strong hype came along when Prime Minister's son, Encik Mohd Nazifuddin had a direct stake in the listed company, putting retailer in a raging mode to snatch up shares of Harvest in the open market in hope of riding along with the flagship company of the prime minister.
One of the brainchild project which is none other than the Pre Conditioning Refiner Chemical Recycled Bleached Mechanism Pulp (PRC RBMP) technology that can uses the palm oil's empty fruit bunches to manufacture pulp and paper. This ground breaking technology that is currently patterned by BHS is one of the core reason for the madly surge in Harvest back then.
While Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Abdullah Badawi both had saw their flagship company during their reign, BHS will be the closest linked company under the reign of Prime Minister Najib after the failure of 1MDB to mark it's foray into the public.
Pulping Up with Empty Fruit Bunches

At USD 350 / tonne, 1 production line is capable of reaping USD 3.5 million a year (RM14.7million @ 1 USD = RM 4.2). The cost of investment for the production line will see breakeven and profit making in the 2nd year onwards.
BHS through Nextgreen being the pioneer and sole reseller of the patterned technology will be looking to see much of the recurring revenue flowing in when bigger palm oil player starts to implement the production line into their palm oil mills. Currently, BHS will see steady supplies of empty fruit bunches from a joint collaboration with FGV. Prior to this, Felda holds 11.33% stake in BHS.
According to sources that are familiar with this, Felda is ready to see more expansion that focuses on the usage of palm oil waste, for example, turning palm oil waste into biodegradable plastics, pulping and paper as well as biomass. Felda is ready to provide up to 500 acre of land for joint venture towards the development of palm oil waste usage. This mega planning will see BHS seeing more opportunity in the coming days.
Penetrating into Indonesia Market
BHS will not be stopping in Malaysia with this ground breaking technology. The recent purchase of PT Eagle High Plantation in Indonesia by FGV will mark BHS foray into the largest CPO production country in the world.
If we are talking 10 fully run production line jointly from both Malaysia and Indonesia, this is talking about a recurring income of almost RM 150 million per annum by just turning empty fruit bunches into paper pulp.
BHS will be a truly an exciting company to be monitored and invested into based on
- Ground breaking technology in turning empty fruit bunches to pulp and paper
- Patterned technology and production line in China Malaysia and Indonesia, putting BHS as sole reseller with rights for licensing as well as royalties
- Closely linked with Prime Minister, and high probability of being the flagship company of the Najib reign
- The Harvest of 2016 - Reborn
- Emergence of strong majority shareholder - Felda and PMB
- Strong recurring income from production line of PRC RBMP worth USD 3.5 million / 10000 tonne of pulp
- Expansion to the largest CPO market in the world - Indonesia through FGV
Harvest to the Limit? You decide
Bone's short term TP : RM 1.00
Cheers and have a nice day
BHS (7241) - BHS Industries Berhad (BHS, 7241) - Harvest Reborn