SUNWAY (5211) - 16042015 加码100股Sunway
16042015 加码100股Sunway,为的是存够齐数, 等免费Sun Con~
一直盘算用900股Sunreit换加码Sunway, 却还是不能很爽快做决定。
Sunway收购Sunway Pyramid前Caltex油站和workshop,估计不是对油站业务有兴趣,而是为了那个地点的地皮。
wish to announce that pursuant to Paragraph 9.19(23) of the Main Market
Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, Sunway Holdings Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sunway has
on 9 April 2015, entered into a Share Sale and Purchase Agreement (“the
Agreement”) with the Vendors for the acquisition of 50,000 ordinary
shares of RM1.00 each representing 100% of the equity interest in Pasir
Mas Holdings Sdn Bhd ("Pasir Mas") for a total cash consideration of
RM1,750,000/- (hereinafter referred to as "the Proposed Acquisition").
Pasir Mas was incorporated on 10 October 1989 and its authorised and paid-up share capital are both RM50,000/-. Pasir Mas operates a petrol station and a motor vehicle workshop in Bandar Sunway.
Mas and Chevron Malaysia Limited have entered into an agreement for the
sale and purchase of the land where the petrol station is operating as
well as an agreement for the sale and purchase of the petrol station
equipment, both of which are pending the satisfaction of the conditions
precedent and thereafter completion. Sunway believes that Pasir Mas is
operating from a strategic location, being opposite Sunway Pyramid
Shopping Mall facing the New Pantai Expressway, and the land has
re-development potential in future.
wish to announce that pursuant to Chapter 9, Paragraph 9.19(23) and
Chapter 10, Paragraph 10.05 of the Main Market Listing Requirements of
Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”),
(1) Sunway Holdings Sdn Bhd (“SunHoldings”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sunway and the Winstar Vendors have on 9 April 2015, entered into a Share Sale Agreement (“Winstar SSA”)
for the acquisition of 6,717,472 ordinary shares of RM1/- each,
representing 100% of the total issued and paid-up share capital of
Winstar Trading Sdn Bhd (“WTSB”) at an estimated purchase consideration of approximately RM130,953,294/- ("the Proposed Winstar Acquisition"); and
(2) SunHoldings and the PND Vendors have on 9 April 2015, entered into a Share Sale Agreement (“PND SSA”)
for the acquisition of 500,000 ordinary shares of S$1/- each,
representing 100% of the total issued and paid-up share capital of PND
Hardware & Trading Pte Ltd (“PND”) at an estimated purchase consideration of approximately S$2,567,192/- ("the Proposed PND Acquisition").
Proposed Winstar Acquisition and the Proposed PND Acquisition are
unique opportunities for Sunway’s Trading and Manufacturing Division to
acquire profitable market leaders with over 30 years of experience in
the wholesaling of hardware market. It also provides an additional
revenue stream which will further diversify the risks of the Group.
Group anticipates synergies from cross-selling across the customer base
of Sunway, WTSB and PND and potential cost savings from warehousing
facilities due to economies of scale. There is also potential for WTSB
and PND to supply to Sunway’s property and construction projects in the
歪歪对hardware不熟悉,就是看到两家公司的产品logo WD-40觉得很熟悉。白头老豆也有一罐用在修理用途,好像是防生锈。
下个星期一就是Sunway EGM, 随后,相信很快就等到SunCon挂牌的日子到来:)