MIECO (5001) - MIECO is one of the best choice for Institutional Trader ! It time for Future and Position to buy ?
Institutional investors Plan
Long Term Investor Plan
Med Term investor Plan
Position Traders trade Plan
Future Traders Trade Plan
Elliott Wave Count
The answer is Yes !!! Why I make such conclusion ? that is couple of technical justification base on Elliott wave theory.
- Looking at the wave count above, it is an extended wave 3, I observed it had total of 5 consecutive uptrend wave are pointing to same direction, they are wave 3/5/3/3/2. which were carrying bullish implication, this type set up will attract institutional trader
- Minute wave degree break out away from 0.710 on 27/03, it confirm wave 3 was formed, this is an indication to show Position trader is on the ride.
- Cantrarian were ease away on 03/04 and volume slow down during correction is a bullish implication, any buying interest show will speed up /accelerating the price upward.
- Minuette wave degree is on wave 2 correction, it is offer good value to future trader to collect, I am anticipating more buying interest increase and prices most like will go up sooner
I bough this stock and I
anticipate it will break above 0.745 and heading to 0.80 and beyond. I
will cut loss if prices go below 0.645 . below is the trade plan
according to Elliott wave theory and it applied to various type of
Institutional investors Plan
Action : Buy, 5 wave degrees uptrend
Type signal : BREAK OUT, conservative
Applies to : Institutional Trader(Primary)
Conservative Target :0.850
2nd Target :1.030
Exit Alert :0.645
Long Term Investor Plan
Action : buy, 4 wave degrees uptrend
Type signal : BREAK OUT, conservative
Applies to : Long Term Investor(Intermediate)
Conservative Target : 0.920
2nd Target : 1.08
Exit Alert : 0.645
Med Term investor Plan
Action : buy, 3 wave degrees uptrend
Type signal : BREAK OUT, conservative
Applies to : Med Term investor(Minor)
Conservative Target : 0.850
2nd Target : 0.895
Exit Alert : 0.645
Position Traders trade Plan
Action : buy, 2 wave degrees uptrend
Type signal : BREAK OUT, conservative
Applies to : Long Term Investor(Minute)
Conservative Target : 0.810
2nd Target : 0.895
Exit Alert : 0.645
Future Traders Trade Plan
Action : buy, wave degrees correction ended
Type signal : RETRACE, aggressive
Applies to : Future traders(Minutte)
Conservative Target : 0.775
2nd Target : 0.840
Exit Alert : 0.645
Trading Challenge
Many people committed to buy stock is very easy, when come to profit
taking and cut loss is one of the most difficult part in trading world,
talking about profit taking is dealing with greed and stop loss is
dealing with fear, cutting loss is a must in trading world because it
stopping my capital continue to loss, in order to stay alive in trading
world... it is a must !!! it is not an option, else I suggest you get
out of the trading and you are not suitable.
I wanted to used simple example to share on the cut loss ... you
bought an egg and prepare to used it for fry rice, some how you
notice/suspect the eggs you pick was/may turn bad.... the question now
is shall out throw/scrap the bad one and pick another .... or nevermind
bet or hope the suspicious "bad" egg will be good and risk the good rice
which is ready to cook ? you make the call... I am believed in order to
win I got to know how to prevent I am loss in the market... if I notice
I am wrong... I got to admit and cut the loss and make a next move.
As a reminder for myself
I am always remind myself If the trend is go again me and violated my SL limit, I will cut loss base on the risk preference.
Stop Loss is painful process because I making loss, but it is
necessary to take it, it is very important because it protect my capital
to ensure I am stay in the market.
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investors are advised that past stock performance is no guarantee of
future price appreciation.