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Singapore Investment


Sunreit宣布派息2.28 cents

Income Distribution


EX-date 19/11/2014
Entitlement date 21/11/2014
Entitlement time 05:00:00 PM
Entitlement subject Income Distribution
Entitlement description First Income Distribution of 2.28 sen per unit (of which 1.96 sen per unit is taxable and 0.32 sen per unit is non-taxable/tax exempt) for the first quarter ended 30 September 2014.

Period of interest payment to Financial Year End 30/06/2015
Payment date 04/12/2014

(1000x 1.96)-10%=RM17.64
RM20.84 (每持有1000股Sunreit将会得到RM20.84@每股RM0.02084净股息。)

1) The Manager expects its distribution per unit(“DPU”)to grow moderately in FY 2015 with Sunway Putra Mall expected to be reopened in 4QFY 2015.

2)  The Manager is committed to distribute 100 % of its distributable net income for FY 2015

3) The refurbishment of Sunway Putra Mall is at 88% completion (as at 30 September 2014)and we expect to reopen for business in 4QFY2015.

4) About70% of the retail space has been leased as at 30 September 2014. (Sunway Putra Mall 在9月份2014已经稳定出租了70%空间,相信数字还会增加中)

5) Sunway Tower’s average occupancy rate retreated to 76.1% in 1QFY 2015 compared to 88.3% in 1QFY 2014 as the anchor tenant has surrendered some space in the previous quarters. The occupancy is expected to drop to 50% by end-December 2014 as the anchor tenant will be giving up 72,000 sq.ft. NLA progressively. The asset manager is actively seeking for replacement tenants for the vacancy and this presents an opportunity for us to improve the tenancy mix to be less reliant on the anchor tenant .


只要管理层懂得把危变成机,就是为Sunway Tower找到更好的租户,或是把出租空间改善,那就会变成长期的好事。

歪歪决定把手上的Sunreit股份收着,看到Sunreit DPU (租金分派)的进步,加上明年增加Sunway Putra Mall后还会把DPU,现在投入Sunreit的资金如同存在一个非常棒的高息定期。



Sunway Putra Mall                 

如果你是Sunreit股东,想要追踪公司业务发展,可以like Sunway Pyramid Facebook fans page。(按这里)

Sunway Putra Mall Facebook Fans Page (按这里)

 Sunreit管理层在AGM提起Sunway Putra Mall装修到如何时,脸上有光的说:“装修到很漂亮。”
再看看以上的照片设计,是一支魔法棒在把Sunway Putra Mall 变身。

那么,Sunway Putra Mall是不是真的变得很漂亮呢?

以Sunreit管理层多年来,都能把Sunway Pyramid 保持追上时代,不停有翻新,相信有看到magic^_^
Sunway Putra Mall Facebook Fans Page版头写着opening soon。

等到Sunway Putra Mall的重新开张,歪歪会拿部落格广告费收入作为车马费,亲身去Sunway Putra Mall跑一趟,亲眼看看管理层是实话实说,还是吹牛^_^

07112014 Sunreit公布业绩后的股价              




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