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Singapore Investment


半年前,我看到了CitySpring的公司。这是新加坡一些基本设施 (Infrastructure) 的信托基金 (Trust)。基本上,信托基金的好处之一就是稳定。

刚开始寻找新股的时候,很多的股票都没有如CitySpring那么高的股息率。我买入的时候是 SGD0.465。CitySpring每季都派股息。以每股 0.82 cent x 4 利息的算法,就是一年 3.28 cent的股息。

所以,股息率是3.28/46.5 = 7%。






    “CitySpring is the first infrastructure business trust registered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore and has been established with the principal objective of investing in infrastructure assets and providing unitholders with long-term, regular and predictable distributions and the potential for long-term capital growth.
    CitySpring’s portfolio comprises 100% of City Gas Trust (“City Gas”), 70% of SingSpring Trust (“SingSpring”), 100% of Basslink (including 100% of Basslink Telecoms) and 100% of CityNet Infrastructure Management Pte. Ltd. (“CityNet”).” - http://www.cityspring.com.sg/about-us/overview/


City Gas 供应这新加坡大多数住宅区的煤气。在新加坡,除了旧区,新区一般都用中央煤气供应系统。我现在住的地方依然还是用煤气桶。

City Net 则是提供网络设备。OpenNet是旗下的公司。在我现在住的地方,用着光纤(Fibre Optics)服务,就像大马的Unifi,家里需要一个接口来迎接光纤的网线。而OpenNet就是提供这样的服务和设备。新加坡大部分都会安装Fibre Optics,因为便宜又快嘛...我用着的是每个月SGD49.90的1Gbps网速。所以,很多人都会用到OpenNet的服务。
OpenNet的官方网站 - http://www.netlinktrust.com/ (OpenNet在2014年10月1号正式在NetLinkTrust管理下操作)。


     净盈利是负数 - Negative Net Profit

但是,公司为什么还能够给出股息?而且每年不断。原来,答案在Cash Flow Statement:

    金融成本 Finance Cost
    拆旧 Depreciation & Amortization

在Income Statement里面,因为这两项大数目,把盈利降低,甚至变成负数。实际上,在Cash Flow Statement里,这两项又加回了。


至于拆旧,是一种Accounting的做法。在公司买了一项资产后,一般上以十年的时间,在Income Statement里以拆旧的方式扣除。但实际上,现金流是没影响的。所以,在Income Statement里扣掉了的Net Profit,之后又在Cash Flow Statement里加回Net Profit。


CitySpring Infrastructure Trust Q2 payout remains flat at 0.82 cent a unit
(Nov 3, 2014) - CitySpring Infrastructure Trust has reported a distribution per unit (DPU) of 0.82 cent for its second quarter ended Sept 30, unchanged from the same period a year ago.
DPU remained constant as its cash earnings dipped 1.9 per cent compared with the same period last year to $13.8 million.
CitySpring's key assets include City Gas, which produces town gas, and SingSpring, which owns a large-scale seawater desalination plant.
CitySpring's manager said that while revenue at City Gas at $98.9 million was comparable to the $98.7 million over the same period last year, SingSpring's revenue fell by $1.4 million to $9.1 million.
- See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/business/companies/story/cityspring-infrastructure-trust-q2-payout-remains-flat-082-cent-unit-2#sthash.jTzyweBW.dpuf

S . A . W -I dream for big, I start from small
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