BR1M 2015 一马援助金 BR1M 4.0 12月1日开放报名
2015年一马援助金@Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia将从2014年12月1日正式开放申请,为期一个月
You must be a :
- Malaysian - 大马公民
- Man or woman who is the head of a household / members of a household which altogether earn less than RM4000 a month-家庭收入少于RM4000的一家之主(结婚人士)
- Alone elderly who aged 60 years and above who earn less than RM4000 a month -60岁以上并且月收入少于RM4000。
- Single who aged 21 years and above who earn less than RM2000 a month - 单身人士,21岁以上并且月收入少于RM2000。
参考: Syarat & tarikh bayaran BR1M 2015
结婚和家庭收入少于RM3000,可以在2015年获得RM950的一马援助金。 RM950将分三次派,1月获得RM300, 5月获得RM300和9月获得RM350。
结婚和家庭收入介于RM3000-RM4000, 可以在2015年获得RM750的一马援助金。 RM750将分三次派,1月获得RM200,5月获得RM200, 9月获得RM350。
相信之前已经拿过BR1M援助金人士,都开始收到一封关于Kemas Kini Maklumat Pemohon。
i. Partner’s/ dependant’s information
Latest corresponding address, to ensure that there will be no information lost. (如果搬家,就当https://
ii. Applicant’s bank account information. For your information, the payment of BR1M 2015 will be made three (3) times per year. (之前没有输入银行户口号码,就去输入,钱直接bank in了)
iii. You are hereby advised to provide accurate information in order to ensure that the payment will be made directly to your bank account. The list of accepted banks/financial institution is attached at Appendix, and
iv. You are to be informed that recipient of BR1M 2015 which falls under the category of isi rumah and warga emas are also eligible to be considered to receive Skim Khairat Kematian (previously known as i-BR1M). Therefore, applicants which fall under these categories are required to provide information of their beneficiary’s information.
任何疑问,请直接联络BR1M hotline at 1-800-88-2716 or Finance Ministry at 03-8882 4565, 03-8882 4566.
Borang Tuntutan iBR1M- 索赔表格可以到这里打印:
- Borang Tuntutan i-BR1M yang telah dilengkapkan
- Sijil Kematian -死亡证书
- Salinan laporan polis yang disahkan (untuk tuntutan Kemalangan) -意外死亡必须呈交警察报告。
- Salinan IC dan penyata bank penerima manfaat -受益人的身分证复印本和银行单 (应该是指由有银行号码的第一页)
- Bukti hubungan penerima manfaat(与投保人的关系证明文件)
- Pasangan - SIjil Perkahwinan - 结婚证书
- Anak - Sijil Kelahiran 出生证明书
- Ibu bapa
- Adik beradik
- Borang Tuntutan i-BR1M yang telah dilengkapkan
- Salinan Kad Pengenalan penerima BR1M
- Salinan laporan polis yang disahkan
- Salinan IC dan penyata bank penerima manfaat
- Bukti hubungan penerima manfaat
- Pasangan - SIjil Perkahwinan
- Anak - Sijil Kelahiran
- Ibu bapa
- Adik beradik
同样的,任何疑问,请直接联络BR1M hotline at 1-800-88-2716 or Finance Ministry at 03-8882 4565, 03-8882 4566.^_^