KLSE SCREENER should publish quality i3 Blog articles - to even the playing field!
The reason for my post is to attract the attention of KLSE SCREENER, a widely used app. for investment news and stock price monitoring, so that they will consider publishing more quality articles from i3investor. I know for a fact that they have done this before as I have had one of my articles republished in KLSE SCREENER back in 2015. The hit count skyrocketed after republishing. I'm certain Aemulus insiders will remember this...
The year long, pandemic induced, glove stocks bull run has brought to light what could be construed as bias reporting by certain business and investment media. The quality of some of the reporting with regards to the glove industry has been viewed by many readers, me included, as appalling to an extent that it is quite believable that qualified attempts have been intentionally made to supress or depress gloves stock valuations. Many readers I know have expressed dissatisfaction and a desire to discontinue subcriptions to these type of media. An opportunity could be presenting itself to other media players !
It is my hope that KLSE SCREENER will consider capitalizing on this weakness and source quality articles from i3 blogs to be republished as an alternative source of information. Many i3 articles are very well written and are based on facts complete with citations while not making buy or sell recomendations or giving RIDICULOUS PRICE TARGETS. This will help even the playing field for Malaysian investors especially the new generation of young and fresh investors.
I believe somebody needs to do something about this. I believe KLSE SCREENER is in a good position to contribute to fairplay as far as accurate and valuable investment information is concerned. I'm sure a legal team will be able to advise bloggers of whats within their rights to publish.
i3investor is already doing a good job with this however, a combined effort with KLSESCREENER will be more powerfull. From my experience, this is a proven fact...