Do you know what's the Top Pick counters for all the investment fund houses?
Attached is the summary here.

A total of 120 counters are being mentioned in their forecast/target for next year.
12 counters from Hong Leong Investment team which is Airport, Armada, Carlsbg, Dayang, Focusp, Genm, Itmax, Osk, Rhbbank, Sunway, Tenaga and VS.
CSG-CIMB is separated into two groups which are small-cap and Big&Middle cap
9 counters for Small Cap Group Bonia, Dpharma, Genetec, Hsseb, Inform, Karex, Kawan, Optimax, and Pwroot. 15 counters for Big/middle group
Airport, Bauto, Gamuda, Gasmsia, Genm, Heim, Hlbank, Igbreit, Inari, Klk, Mr.DIY, QL, Rhbbank, Simeprop and Yinson.
AMINVEST is also separated into two groups which are ESG and Top Buy Call 11 counters fall into the ESG watchlist
Astro, Ihh, Inari, Maybank, Pchem, Petgas, Sunreit, Sunway, Tm, Wprts, Yinson.
11 counters fall into the Top Buy Call watchlist CIMB, Dialog, Dpharma, Inari, Maybank, Rhbbank, Sunreit, Sunway, Tenaga, Tm and Yinson.
15 counters from Kenanga IB for 1st quarter.
Abmb, Aeon, Armada, Bauto, Cimb, Ctos, Digi, Gamuda, Klk, Maxis, Maybank, Mynews, Ock, Pchem, and Tm.
9 counters from Public IB. Ableglob, Cck, Gamuda, Genting, Ijm, Inari, Maybank, and Skpres.
10 counters from AffinHwang Investment. Apex, Armada, Axreit, Gasmsia, Ihh, Klcc, Myeg, Ppb, Simeprop, and Suncon.
Maybank Investment provided the longest watchlist for 2023 up to 28 counters included,
Abmb, Aeon, Airport, Allianz, Atech, Axiata, Axreit, Bauto, Bjfood, Ctos, Cypark, Dialog, Ffb, Frontkn, Gamuda, Greatec, Hibiscs, Hlbank, Inari, Klk, Lhi, Mfcb, Mr.DIY, Rhbbank, Tm, Vitrox, Vs, and Yinson.
Too many counters for you??
Don't worry. I had summarize the table. Maybe you can just focus on these top 10 counters.