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Singapore Investment


Expiry of warrants

One of the most regrettable oversight that any remisier can make is the failure to inform your clients that his warrant is about to expire. This information is available in Bursa website. 

To get the list of company-issued warrants that will be expiring within 30 days, you click on "Company Announcements" and then click on "Expiry/Maturity/Termination of Securities". See the steps below or just go here.

To get the list of structured warrants that will be expiring within 30 days, you click on "Structured Warrants" and then click on "Expiry/Maturity/Termination of Securities". See the steps below or just go here.

Bursa Malaysia does not make any distinction between call or put structured warrants.


You may have noticed that warrants with short expiry period tend to trade at very low prices. Some even trade at a discount. In order to get a better price for your warrant, you should try to sell them earlier than the last 30 days to expiry. One of the way of doing that is to use the warrant screener of klsescreener.com (here).

If you want to test out this filter, just select "CALL" under Type and key in "30" for "max days" under Maturity (leave min days as "0"). This should give you the list of company-issued and structured call warrants expiring within 30 days. An example is given below.

If you want to select call warrants with expiry dates between 30 & 60 days, you need to select "CALL" under Type and key in "30" for min days and "60" for max days under Maturity. This should give you the list of company-issued and structured call warrants expiring between 30 & 60 days. An example is given below.

The above steps are for filtering out expiring call warrants. You can easily do the same for expiring put warrants (note: they are mainly put structured warrants). However, the latter seldom happens as most investors or traders deal with call warrants, and not put warrants.

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