Intco Medical, with production capacity 20 billion gloves (about 70% vinyl, lowest profit margin) (reference),
today closed at all-time high of RMB289.80 per share. This gives the
company a market capitalization of exactly RMB100 billion, or RM62.5
billion. This is the world's biggest glove manufacturer right now in
terms of market capitalization.

Let's compare this to the Malaysian (indirect) competitors:
Supermax - production capacity 26 billion gloves (68% nitrile, highest profit margin) (reference), closed at RM7. This means a total market cap of RM19 billion - more than 3 times lower than Intco.
Top Glove, production capacity 91 billion gloves (45% nitrile, 45% latex) (reference),
closed at RM6.52. The world leader, controlling more than a quarter of
the entire global production of gloves, has a market capitalization of
RM53.5 billion, or RM9 billion less than Intco.
Let that sink in.