1 lot Nestle ==> RM 137 000 Dividend received RM 2.8.
1 lot Dlady ==> RM 37 340 Dividend received RM 0.8.
1 lot F&N ==> RM 32 400 Dividend received RM 0.6.
Using amount of RM 137 000 , you can own 9.856 lot BAT
Using amount of RM 37 340 , you can own 2.686 lot BAT
Using amount of RM 32 400 , you can own 2.331 lot BAT
Using same amount of RM 137 000 , you can own 9.856 lot BAT and receive dividend RM 10.84 .
Using same amount of RM 37 340 , you can own 2.686 lot BAT and receive dividend RM 2.95 .
Using same amount of RM 32 400 , you can own 2.331 lot BAT and receive dividend RM 2.56 .
Dividend ratio if invest into BAT : Nestle is RM 10.84/RM 2.8 = 3.87 times.
Dividend ratio if invest into BAT : Dlady is RM 2.95/RM 0.8 = 3.68 times.
Dividend ratio if invest into BAT : F&N is RM 2.56/RM 0.6 = 4.27 times.
stingray_ea : BAT (4162) KLCI Abandoned Dividend Payout King (AAA)
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