Focus Point (0157) update – Bonus issue and newly launched hot selling FamilyMart confection [$$bill]
This is an update to my first Focus Point post (click here to view).
There is a saying that good things come in pairs. For me, it was two positive events that happened today evening.
Bonus issue – creating bullish market sentiment
As most would know, bonus issues usually create positive investor sentiment towards the stock.
Macarons – another hot selling goody
The second positive event for me today was the discovery that FamilyMart’s newly launched Macarons are made by Focus Point’s 100%-owned Multiple Reward Sdn Bhd and that the macarons sells out very quickly everyday.
I went to three FamilyMarts today morning to get my hands on the macarons. But to my surprise they were all sold out at three outlets.
When I asked a staff, I was told that the macarons have been selling out fast from the first day it was launched. I was advised by the staff to return around 6pm when the second batch of supply arrives.
After finally getting my hands on the macarons, my suspicion that it was made by Focus Point was confirmed. The label stated that it was manufactured by Multiple Reward Sdn Bhd.
Zooming in:
The macarons are priced at RM11.90 for a box of three.
On FamilyMart’s social media, comments about the macarons are positive. Check out their instagram about the macarons at
I’m glad to find out that the macarons have so quickly become another hot selling item.
A number of hot selling confections made by FocusP are also on the shelves of FamilyMart, such as Hanjuku Cheese, Cheese Pudding, Mochi Puff, Cream Puff, etc.
The future shines bright for both FocusP and FamilyMart.
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Disclaimer: All information here reflects the author’s personal views/thoughts and should not be considered as investment advice.