As the recent market rally, you will find that the share price of MUI Group (MUI PROP, PMHLG, Parkson, LION Ind) even MUI IND have increase significantly especially MUI PROP, PMHLG and LION IND except PMCORP.
When you study in depth the MUI Group company, you will find that PMCORP had the Best Fundemental. It is a net cash company with 91.73 million and market cap of just 85.5 million. PMCORP hold 21.2M shares (2.86%) in MUI PROP and hold 82.7M shares (8.91%) in PMHLG. When both the share price increase, this will directly increase the value of PMCORP.
Somehow, the NTA for PMCORP is 0.40. This mean the current share price at of 14sen is really a good investment. Recent trading volume increase since 5th August may signal someone is buying at the low price.
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