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Singapore Investment


[AIRASIA (5099) 亚洲航空 AIRASIA GROUP BHD:第二季度的集团收入暴跌96%,至1.190亿令吉,因许多国家宣布封锁和边境限制] - James的股票投资James Share Investing

在Covid-19大流行最严重的时候,2020财政年度第二季度的集团收入暴跌96%,至1.190亿令吉,因许多国家宣布封锁和边境限制。该集团报告了11.595亿令吉的亏损,其中6.01亿令吉与租赁的折旧和利息有关,1.985亿令吉的燃油对冲已实现亏损和ineffective unrealized fuel hedge为2390万令吉。


亚航集团报告2Q20的EBITDA为负6.373亿令吉,而2Q19为2.178亿令吉的正EBITDA,因为集团的支出减少不能抵消收入的下降,广泛的边境关闭导致旅客需求崩溃以及某些繁重的旅行限制。由于油耗减少以及油价大跌,该集团在本季度也录得1.985亿令吉的已实现燃料交换亏损。由于当前的Covid 19大流行导致航班需求下降,该集团的现金流量为净流出。

泰国亚航在20年第2季度的总收入为2.665亿泰铢,比19年第2季度的96.086亿泰铢低97%,原因是该公司分别于2020年4月1日和2020年3月22日暂停了国内航班和国际航班的运营。泰国亚航报告了20.756亿泰铢的亏损,这是由于收入减少和采用TFRS16以及确认已实现的fuel swap hedges 6.384亿泰铢所致。



在本季度,由于各个国家/地区的航班中止,Teleport的收入有所下降。除去撇销690万令吉的软件开发费用后,Teleport的EBITDA为正。AirAsia.com为消费者提供优惠和bundle packages,收入有所增长。

截至2020年3月31日止的前一季,亚航集团录得11亿5千950万令吉的净亏损,而截至2020年3月31日的上一季度净亏损为9亿5330万令吉,因Covid 19大流行导致机队进入休眠状态和繁重的旅行限制。

James Ng Stock Pick Performance:
Since Recommended Return:

a. FRONTKEN CORP BHD, recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM3.80, dividend RM0.04, in 2 years 16 days, total return is 437.1%

b. TOP GLOVE CORP BHD, recommended on 1 July 18, initial price was RM12.14, rose to RM52.56 adjusted, dividend RM0.52, in 2 Years 1 month 27 days, total return is 337.2%

c. MI TECHNOVATION BERHAD, recommended on 2 Jun 19, initial price was RM1.67, rose to RM6.47 adjusted, dividend RM0.055, in 1 Year 2 months 26 days, total return is 290.7%

d. OPENSYS M BHD, recommended on 24 May 20, initial price was RM0.355, rose to RM1.00, dividend RM0.0025, in 3 months 4 days, total return is 182.4%

e. KKB ENGINEERING BHD, recommended on 1 Jul 18, initial price was RM0.795, rose to RM1.59, dividend RM0.10, in 2 Years 1 month 27 days, total return is 112.6%

f. CHIN HIN GROUP BHD, recommended on 2 Feb 20, initial price was RM0.57, rose to RM1.20, dividend RM0.01, in 6 months 26 days, total return is 112.3%

g. KAREX BHD, recommended on 20 Oct 19, initial price was RM0.445, rose to RM0.845, dividend RM0.015, in 10 months 8 days, total return is 93.3%

h. PERAK TRANSIT BHD, recommended on 19 Jul 20, initial price was RM0.18, rose to RM0.275, dividend RM0.0025, in 1 month 9 days, total return is 54.2%

i. POWER ROOT BHD, recommended on 7 Oct 18, initial price was RM1.59, rose to RM2.23, dividend RM0.188, in 1 Year 10 months 21 days, total return is 52.1%

j. PROLEXUS BHD, recommended on 25 Aug 19, initial price was RM0.455, rose to RM0.685, dividend RM0.003, in 1 Year 3 days, total return is 51.2%

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James Ng
[AIRASIA GROUP BHD: Group Revenue for the second quarter of financial year 2020 plunged by 96% to RM119.0 million at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic which saw many countries announced lockdowns and borders restrictions]

Group Revenue for the second quarter of financial year 2020 plunged by 96% to RM119.0 million at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic which saw many countries announced lockdowns and borders restrictions. The Group reported a loss for the period of RM1,159.5 million of which RM601.0 million were related to depreciation and interest on leases, RM198.5 million of realised loss on fuel hedges and ineffective unrealized fuel hedge of RM23.9 million.

Revenue for the airline business for 2Q20 was RM68.0 million, as capacity reduced by 98% as compared to 2Q19. Malaysia and Philippines announced hibernation of its fleet starting 28 March 2020 and 20 March 2020 respectively whilst Indonesia significantly reduced its domestic and international flights.

The Airline Group reported a negative EBITDA for 2Q20 at RM637.3 million, compared to a positive EBITDA of RM217.8 million in 2Q19 as the reduction of Group expenditure could not offset the decrease in revenue as passenger demand collapsed due to the widespread border closures and certain onerous travel restrictions. The Group also recorded realised fuel swap losses of RM198.5 million for the quarter on the back of reduction in fuel consumption and drastic fall in oil prices. The Group’s cashflow reported a net outflow as the current Covid 19 pandemic contributed to the lower demand for flights.

Thai AirAsia Co. Ltd (“Thai AirAsia”):
Thai AirAsia recorded Total Revenue of THB266.5 million in 2Q20, 97% lower than 2Q19 of THB9,608.6 million as it had suspended domestic flights and international flights commencing 1 April 2020 and 22 March 2020 respectively. Thai AirAsia reported a loss for the period of THB2,075.6 million impacted by the lower revenue and adoption of TFRS16 and recognition of realised fuel swap hedges of THB638.4 million.

AirAsia (India) Limited (“AirAsia India”):
AirAsia India recorded Total Revenue of INR806.9 million in 2Q20, a 91% decrease from that of 2Q19 as it announced suspension of flights from 25 March 2020. AirAsia India reported a loss for the period of INR3,320.0 million as compared to the loss for 2Q19 of INR151.1 million as a result of the decrease in revenue from suspension of flights and the increase in operating expenses from operating 9 additional aircraft.

AirAsia Japan Co. Ltd (“AirAsia Japan”):
AirAsia Japan recorded a Net loss of JPY1,072.5 million.

Non Airline:
During the quarter, Teleport revenue decreased as a result of flight suspensions in various countries. Excluding the write off of software development costs of RM6.9 million, Teleport reported a positive EBITDA. AirAsia.com saw a pick up in revenue as it offers deals and bundle packages to consumers.

The Group recorded a Net Loss of RM1,159.5 million for the quarter under review, against the Net Loss of RM953.3 million in the immediately preceding quarter ended 31 March 2020 mainly due to the impact of hibernation of flights and onerous travel restrictions caused by the Covid 19 pandemic.

AirAsia Group has been severely affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic. AirAsia temporarily hibernated most of its fleet across the network in late March 2020 due to increasing movement restrictions and only slowly easing up with domestic travel in end May early June. Barring any reversal of flight resumption plans and any major shock to demand, they foresee that they have sufficient working capital to sustain the business operations.
I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:

the forecasted growth of a company must over 14% per year

I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.

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This sharing is purely a discussion and analysis of the sector, buying or selling at your own risk. Please Like and Share this post. Final decision is always yours, thank you.

James Ng

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