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I am reproducing the NOMURA report to my blog.
Glove is the vaccine to your wealth in this pandemic.
MACQUARIE raised Top Glove's Target Price to RM30.40
TA raised TOPGLOV target price to RM31.66
Kenanga raised TOPGLOV target price to RM32
RHB raised TOPGLOV target price to RM28.88
NOMURA raised TOPGLOV target price to RM30.65
Top Glove eyes expansion through organic growth and M&A
America is running short on GLOVES. Again. - Washington Post
Cold Eye Commented on GLOVE in his new book
CIMB: No concern on lower ASPs and oversupply on GLOVE. Toppick is TOPGLOV (RM25) and SUPERMX (RM9.80)
TOP GLOVE is having trouble keeping up with demand even at full capacity
TAN SRI DR LIM WEE CHAI spend 25 million to buyback TOPGLOV share again. He bought at RM16 and RM17
