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Singapore Investment


[MPI (3867) 马太平洋 MALAYSIAN PACIFIC INDUSTRIES BHD:由于季节因素以及Covid-19大流行的遏制措施和采取的安全措施的影响,收入降低] - James的股票投资James Share Investing


该季度的收入为3.763亿令吉,相比上一季度为4.138亿令吉,是由于季节因素以及Covid-19大流行的遏制措施和采取的安全措施的影响,收入降低。亚洲,美国和欧洲市场的收入分别比上一季度下降了7%,8%和16%。集团录得3,420万令吉的PBT,上一季度则为6,550万令吉。 PBT较低是由于收入较低。

现在,Covid-19大流行加剧了贸易冲突的不利影响。加上油价暴跌,已经影响到经济并导致需求减少,这使得难以评估未来全部的影响。 MCO在最近几个月中也影响了生产率。马太平洋正在采取成本控制措施,并重新评估业务组合,以减轻事件的不利影响。
James Ng Stock Pick Performance:
Since Recommended Return:

a) FRONTKN (FRONTKEN CORP BHD), recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM2.60 (dividend RM0.04) in 1 year 9 months 24 days, total return is 269.2%

b) TOPGLOV (TOP GLOVE CORP BHD), recommended on 1 July 18, initial price was RM12.14, rose to RM32.76 (adjusted)(dividend RM0.32) in 1 Year 11 months 4 days, total return is 172.5%

c) KKB (KKB ENGINEERING BHD), recommended on 1 Jul 18, initial price was RM0.795, rose to RM1.76 (dividend RM0.04) in 1 year 11 months 4 days, total return is 126.4%

d) MI (MI TECHNOVATION BERHAD), recommended on 2 Jun 19, initial price was RM1.67, rose to RM3.56 (adjusted)(dividend RM0.055) in 1 Year 3 days, total return is 116.5%

e) PWROOT (POWER ROOT BHD), recommended on 7 Oct 18, initial price was RM1.59, rose to RM2.49 (dividend RM0.148) in 1 Year 7 months 28 days, total return is 65.9%

f) JAKS (JAKS RESOURCES BHD), recommended on 20 Jan 19, initial price was RM0.575, rose to RM0.90 in 1 year 4 months 16 days, total return is 56.5%

我希望将我的策略分享给读者,希望他们在阅读后能够表现出色。我正在使用基本面分析(Fundamental Analysis):

预计公司每年的增长率必须> 14%


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James Ng
[MALAYSIAN PACIFIC INDUSTRIES BHD: lower revenue was arising from seasonal factor and the effect of Covid-19 pandemic's containment actions and safety protocols taken]

This quarter, the Group recorded revenue of RM376.3m and PBT of RM34.2m as compared with RM330.1m and RM25.5m of last year. Revenue for the Asia and US segments were higher by 25% and 9% while the Europe segment was lower by 7% against last year. YTD, revenue for the Asia segment was higher by 7% while the US and Europe segments were lower by 10% and 6% against last year. PBT for YTD closed at RM149m against RM148.9m of last year.

Revenue for this quarter was RM376.3m against the preceding quarter of RM413.8m, lower revenue was arising from seasonal factor and the effect of Covid-19 pandemic's containment actions and safety protocols taken. Revenue for the Asia, USA and Europe segments were lower by 7%, 8% and 16% against the preceding quarter. The Group recorded PBT of RM34.2m as compared with RM65.5m for the preceding quarter. The lower PBT was due to lower revenue.

Adverse impact of trade conflict is now compounded by Covid-19 pandemic. Coupled with oil price crash, have affected economy and led to reduced demand which makes it difficult to assess the full impact. MCO also affected the productivity in the last few months. The Group is taking cost containment measures and re-assessing business portfolio to mitigate the adverse impact of events.
I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:

the forecasted growth of a company must > 14% per year

I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.

I am providing STOCK PICK SERVICE for readers who want to make money from Malaysian stock market. Those who want to subscribe to my mailing list to achieve a good return from stock market, you can contact me at jamesngshare@gmail.com or PM me in my FB page.

This sharing is purely a discussion and analysis of the sector, buying or selling at your own risk. Please Like and Share this post. Final decision is always yours, thank you.

James Ng

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