Due to Covid-19, nowadays people use sanitizer to clean their hands more frequently. Many retails & restaurants also provide sanitizers to customers. Ethanol, is the key ingredient to make sanitizer.

Wide use of sanitizer is a new norm, Hexza’s business will no longer be the same, may experience a leap. From current level, share price to achieve a leap of at >30% before the end of next 2 quarters. Good stock to hold.
Besides, Hexza has a strong net cash position. Holding cash equivalent of RM161mil as end-2019, which translates into a whopping 80 sen per share.
Due to Covid-19, people are reducing their visits to crowded places. Therefore, tend to stock up more dry food, especially eggs. Egg sales will increase tremendously going forward. LayHong is a key & more straight-forward eggs producer.

Egg business was ongoing despite MCO. Layhong’s NutriPlus brand of eggs are highly popular. LayHong's share prices have been hovering around 35 sen these few weeks. It has the potential to reach 45 sen in 1 or 2 quarters.
Due to Covid-19, nowadays people use sanitizer to clean their hands more frequently. Many retails & restaurants also provide sanitizers to customers. Ethanol, is the key ingredient to make sanitizer.
Wide use of sanitizer is a new norm, Hexza’s business will no longer be the same, may experience a leap. From current level, share price to achieve a leap of at >30% before the end of next 2 quarters. Good stock to hold.
Besides, Hexza has a strong net cash position. Holding cash equivalent of RM161mil as end-2019, which translates into a whopping 80 sen per share.
Due to Covid-19, people are reducing their visits to crowded places. Therefore, tend to stock up more dry food, especially eggs. Egg sales will increase tremendously going forward. LayHong is a key & more straight-forward eggs producer.
Egg business was ongoing despite MCO. Layhong’s NutriPlus brand of eggs are highly popular. LayHong's share prices have been hovering around 35 sen these few weeks. It has the potential to reach 45 sen in 1 or 2 quarters.