Dear Sir/Madam/Retailer/Gambler,
Firstly, jangan ke sini ke sana. Sila Pandang ke sini. Tak payah susah susah.
Stay healthy! Wash your hand thoroughly before you read my just-for-laugh article.
I will try my best to compile some top picks that one must not miss(I mean laughing). Again, just for laugh ya~~~
1) A company pang72 promotes the most ??? Sanitizer producer

2) Food that children and girls like the most???? Very hot and high volume lately

3) During MCO, what you want the most from your sofa?????

4) Why so funny this si kucing? Wrap so thick ??

5) A bursa stock that always in high volume but price also very very very attractive. Perhaps name can run very fast but price run very slow... What is this?

Part 1 done! Part 2, 3, 4, 5 will be coming soon.... before and after read wash hand and wash eyes ya...
Firstly, jangan ke sini ke sana. Sila Pandang ke sini. Tak payah susah susah.
Stay healthy! Wash your hand thoroughly before you read my just-for-laugh article.
I will try my best to compile some top picks that one must not miss(I mean laughing). Again, just for laugh ya~~~
1) A company pang72 promotes the most ??? Sanitizer producer

2) Food that children and girls like the most???? Very hot and high volume lately

3) During MCO, what you want the most from your sofa?????

4) Why so funny this si kucing? Wrap so thick ??

5) A bursa stock that always in high volume but price also very very very attractive. Perhaps name can run very fast but price run very slow... What is this?

Part 1 done! Part 2, 3, 4, 5 will be coming soon.... before and after read wash hand and wash eyes ya...